Testing my badge

Let’s test the badge.

This is only a badge test.

Does your reply improve the conversation in some way?

Yes, it shows i´m awesome…

edit: well or NOT (my name in caps making me look like a douche)

Testing my badge! I hope it works!

Badge? Are you there?

Testing my badge…

test test test asdf asdfasdf


Hopefully there is a ‘Baron’ below my name…

give mine a go. see how it looks.

fixed manualy, hope it works, thanx to warhorse support!

Let’s see if this has worked

Testing badge like everyone else.

Testing my badge, sorry for the notification:/

testing my badge…

Hi everyone! :smile: )

I am also testing badge.

Testing as well. Although the preferences refuses to save my Kickstarter email so I don’t know if it will work.

Testing out my badge and liking this interesting forum, it’s pretty unique.

Another test here. I hope this works!