Checking to see if my badge will show upTesting, too…
testing badge also…
So badge is what, the little text below your username? Or is there supposed to be some graphic?
Testing my badge in the bandwagon…
Testing my Badge now. lets see if it works
Also testing my badge.
Herpaderp with the testing and the pain…
I too am testing at long last.
They did back in the old days, using the kickstarter icons themselves but they ended up bigger than the avatar pics and since their biggest concern back then was actually getting this place working properly they just removed the picture.
Cant help but to test mine too
mine was working as of yesterday, but I just wanted to be part of something
I am testing my badge too.
testing my badge …
I signed up to forum ages ago but 885 posts is not bad for a completely useless thread. Might as well ‘test by badge’ also
Testing as well 20characters
Badger badger badger badger badges badger testing badger
Test test one two one two
Edit: Why is my nickname in all Caps?
Forgot if I registered on the forum with the same email or not, so testing!
As everybody here ! Testing
Looking on my badge.