Testing my badge

ola ! ola quetal, french comunity here ?

Testing xoxoxoxoxoxo

Whenever i seem to put in my email into ā€œKickstarter Emailā€ in preferences and save it, the email always disappears. I know it is the correct email so i am not sure what is going on.

lkjhljkhlkjhlkjhljhjkhkljhlkjhlkjhklj -> Body invalid. Try to be more descriptive.

I donā€™t think mine is showing yet.

I seem to be having the same problem.

Same Hope it shows up! :smiley:

what what in your butt

Edit: Already tested :slight_smile:

Also testingā€¦

Piling on with the badge test.

Just testing as well.

Test my Badge! Test 123

joining the test just to know if it works :slight_smile:

test let the kingdom come

testing my badge ā€¦ hope it works

Great idea. Testing, too :smile:

Is it work? I have to test it too :slight_smile:

testing badgeā€¦

Must be this long to

Only testing my badge.