The archery is a joke

Lack of crosshairs don’t bother me. I’ve practiced archery and I don’t have crosshairs in real life. Heck, I have a 22 caliber Savage rifle that doesn’t have a scope so not even that has crosshairs.

EDIT: If you really need a crosshair if you’re a console gamer, just stick a piece of tape where the yellow dot usually is and that’ll act as a targeting reticule. :slight_smile:

When i was around 13 i tried archery for a day for a school thing and me and all other kids were pretty good. Believe it or not but its not hard to draw, aim and loose an arrow.

Yes, but this is a 1400s era long bow. Could you imagine the strength needed for a long bow?

english warbows have 100-170pounds its about 45 - 77 kgs and if you look on in game yew longbow (english warbow) have in game 77 power I think power is real streng in kgs

Those bows would be training bows. But bows meant to penetrate armor, used for hunting, we’re talking about a hundred to a hundred and fifty pound draw.

That requires immense upper body strength. You’d have to be an incredibly in-shape man to use those bows properly.

Henry is not a real soldier srcher. He’s the peasant son of a blackith. The first time he picks up a bow, most likely, is the first time you pick up a bow in-game.

I dont think a blacksmith and an archer are using the same kind of muscles, so he might very well be shaky from stringing any kind of bow

I cna easily hit people in the face that are atleast 30 feet away from Henry

I think, archery vs heavy armor needs improvements, because I killed groups very easily, then I get some mod to add x3 to enemies armors, and some tweaks to bows and arrows stats, I edited .xml files manually.

Fixed for now, but with mods, so the “mid / end” game balance issue is more about “limits” and scaling than progression itself.

For example game needs to have some “checks” bow and arrow maximum damage to heavy armor, in any situation, or things like this.

… or a maximum strike damage based on “overall armor”, to avoid “one hit/shot one kill”, or at least less frequent.

I felt Henry was a god, funny, but combats ended too soon.
With some mods and tweaks, I achieve more realism (enemies armor increased), damage to Henry increased, bows and arrows less mortal for heavy armor enemies (2 or 3 arrows to kill), reduced block timing and more aggressive enemies.

I hear a lot of people stating that they used a bow before… old style, modern. First, as to pulling the string, they are all the same. I was taught to pull the string with two fingers, placing the end of the arrow between them, and to pull the string back to your chin, just to the right side so that the eye you are sighting with is looking straight down the length of the arrow. The aim is done with sighting down the arrow, just as in a pistol or rifle. The only difficult part is the angle of the aim to get the range to the target. The arrow SHOULD be pointing directly where the arrow will land. In this game, you apparently are holding the string by your ear and the arrow is pointing to the left. If you do this, you would take your ear or parts of your cheek off with the string. As for the amount of pull, these statements are garbage also. If it is too hard to pull, you can’t pull it, period. The string would go back just a few inches and the arrow would go about five feet or so. Whether the bow is a compound bow, curved bow, or a straight bow, the string gets placed in the same place for each bow. Holding the string in this game would be far more difficult, just as stretching your arms out straight in front of you and trying to pull the string and bow apart, you have no power to do so. But, closer to your body you have leverage. It is meaningless to try and justify the view you are given in this game. It is designed to MAKE it harder than it actually is, forcing you to learn the skill, thus making it a game you play, rather than a reflection of real life. Just as in some war games like Company of Heroes, you do not get supplies until you build specific structures, not even close to reality, but it makes a good game to play. Stop looking for realism and find out how to get better shots with the view you do have within the rules of the game. I can shoot a rifle with no scope in excess of 300 meters and hit the human shaped target every time. But, in some games I cannot hit the broad side of a barn at 50 feet.

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That may just be your first (or second) impression. I thought archery was overly too hard initially. Now I’m pretty good at it. It’s actually a lot of fun and once you get good, it’s enjoyable.

There’s a rhythm to how he moves, with his breathing I’m guessing. You have to time your release at the right moment. I like the fact that there’s a learning curve. Keep at it!

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It’s harder to hit anything in game than it is in real life, that is a bad design issue. I would never miss a man sized target at 20m in real life, yet in the game it’s equivalent to shooting at a 40m target in real hunting in terms of likelihood to hit.

Newbie alert!!!

I don’t think you should move AS much as you do in this game. It’s slightly overkill. With that said, I’m actually much better at archery in this game than with the sword. I really like hunting and stuff too.

Sure it’s annoying, but I think it’s easier than the sword.

I have killed mostly with arrows. I’m finally trying to get the sword fighting down…but I’m not sure if something is messed up or what with the training.