The Ashes DLC Really Did a Number on Mods

Cheat mod I consider one of THE mods to use and whish he would come back and tweak it.
Also wish I could contact him to do so. It is a very popular mod.

One of the most succesful games with modding is undoubtedly TES Skyrim.

Whilst the initial userbase were familiar with modding bethesda games (TES Oblivion had paved the way for many), the actual mod tools for Skyrim came out after release.
A system that was repolished years later in an attempt to cash cow the whole thing (and destroyed a large component of the community value of ‘sharing modding breakthroughs’), it was relaunched in a new front end that could be used for consoles…

This ‘new mod shop/method’ also created a rift between official repository locations.

For a few weeks(month or two) it was noticably growing- then:two things became evident-

Most modders had moved on from Skyrim (it was six years old) and were playing Fallout now. Maybe not playing fallout, but certainly playing with the same mod tools with Fallout, and were no longer updating their TES mods.

Most serious mods worth implementing never made it to ‘official’(console usable) mod store as most serious modders wouldnt risk the loose terms and conditions implemented on their work when posting mod via official channel.

So-key points!!
Modding community needs to have active passion for product
Need to have their work acknowledged whilst able to share breakthroughs OR need to lock mods down to protect individuals creative talents.

I prefer a community that shares breakthroughs, but like the Heathfire mod highlights; many community members will download free versions of similar mods to the official ones.

So Warhorse have a lot of things they need to preempt with regards to future modding support.
Get it wrong and need to change it and that can kill a community.
That same community is the best source for fixits and documentation. They work for free and volunteer a lot of work to the greater good.
Mod tools is only half the story (licensing/etc)

Modding done right extends a games practical shelflife.
Vanilla Skyrim I ceased being able to sit through abput five-six years ago.
Is the main reason I wont use mods (yet) for KCD.

I want the developers vision so I can understand and rate their game accordingly.

Official mods add resources for everyone, and for consoles; are often the only source for new resources (sounds and textures etc).

Modders wont walk away whilst the community and game are active and they have any interest in the product. (Assuming eco system is pro modding)

KCD in its varying states keeps breaking first run mods (directory structure etc) but likely is doing so as method to make a great mod tool progress and reliability for future release.

If they released half arsed modding then they will be judged harshly by people who have the tech talk to explain what they have done wrong
Release polished mod environment and sit back and enjoy more $$$

Obviously it is in their interests to get mod support right. Something that made their action/item list after game launch and a small financial windfall opened the doorway.
Playerbase will dwindle but ultimately should stick around. Open world rpgs of any niche (cyberpunk/sci fi/fantasy etc) are a rare genre.

With voice acting is an expensive rarely done project.
Gamers will cling to this one for awhile. (Those who seek out this type of game)


The Modding scene in games without proper tools could be loyal or even good, like I saw in MGS V: The Phantom Pain game, but that don’t provide Longevity at all, (like Skyrim, Fallout, GTA, etc)

For now, modding is very tedious (even for a Developer) but many mods are very useful to adjust, fix or add new things.

Once the Modding tools are released anyone could update merge and modify previous abandoned mods and edit them to maximize compatibility in new versions.

This game needs some gameplay random mechanics to extend gameplay longevity (random bandits raids, radiant quests, random tasks and missions, etc), more random secondary quests and even activities like tournaments, attacks, assaults, parties or social events (persistent world), with that I have no doubt modders will come, people will come and the game will be even better, because things to do are very important in a post-narrative sandbox gameplay.

When tools are released we will see if people played & ran away or if there is people who wants extended experience, experimentation and fun.


I felt this thread was well worth bumping, simply on the prospect that the message in the last two posts is refreshed in the eyes of Warhorse staff.

Mods are life to a game like this. That is my belief.

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+1 to this bump, and agree with last two posts. I prefer to remain optimistic about community involvement.