The Die Is Cast - Side Quests?

Is there a definitive list of side quests that need to be completed before The Die Is Cast?

I’ve found a couple “lists” but they are either obviously incomplete or unable to clarify specific quests, for example, saying “all the quests around this place” doesn’t really help me.

Side quests related to Talmberg will fail. I found this list:

At your service my lady
Rock and a hard place + Gallows brothers
Huntsman activity
Sport of Kings
Hare hunt + Cherchez la femme + Sheep in wolf’s clothing

That’s probably all.

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In addition to the above list, there is also: “Thick as Thieves - Woyzeck”, which even if I was past the Talmberg step of the activity, it failed for me. Technically, it didn’t fail during “the die is cast”, rather than after the “Out of the Frying Pan”, which is though a direct and time-sensitive continuation of this quest.