The game became too easy :(

Well if a Fallout 4 scaling isn’t appropriate what then? I’ve come to suspect this dynamic has been hard coded into the game mechanics. That’s based on the extent of negative feedback I’m seeing on ALL platforms. If that’s the case, then goal post shifting may be the only feasible option left in addressing the difficulty mechanics.

Or, if what you suggested is possible, could they attempt some sort of Skyrim-esque legendary game mode? Once the protagonist achieves a certain degree of progress in the MQ? Or reaches a certain percentage of advancement in skill set?

IDK. Based on dev feedback on changes they intend to do to address the save game issue here

It sounds as though they have a set idea where the game play mechanics are headed in the future.

I don’t think we need a cap but do need a leveling nerf and higher stat requirements for more powerful gear.

Or I suppose we could have scaling for story locations. Not necessarily improve armor and arms, but at least increase their stats. If the Vipers Nest scaled to your level it would still be fairly difficult however the critical mass still exists.

I get what you’re saying but I think doing what you suggests would force you to be linear with the story just to advance.

Damage, item requirements, stat mechanics, armor mechanics all needs overhauled.

Shouldn’t the progression be tied to the story? Isn’t that the whole point?

I mean, if the point of the game was to become a god by killing infinite bandits and selling their gear while slapping wooden swords at the training grounds…i’m guessing they didn’t need a story =)

I could be misunderstanding what you mean by scaling, but if you mean an algorithm that keeps all enemies within a set distance of your current skills/abilities - i’d vote “no”. Not my cup of tea.

What i’m suggesting would force your hero to overcome tougher enemies to improve, but once you hit a certain “tier” bandits in leather are no longer a major threat. Cumans in plate still would be.

I don’t think the armor and weapons are the problem, I think it’s the stats.

Once I hit max I plan on making a few experiments to prove it.

If I have a 20 STR and 20 warfare with an amazing high cost mace, but zero in Mace skill…do I still 1-hit plate armored enemies like with my sword?

If not, then I think that proves the skills/stats are the issue and not the gear itself.

Conversely, if I have those same stats, but use a really weak low level sword, does my skill in swords still allow me to decimate plate armored enemies?

I think the answer is yes based on some of what i’ve been reading and seeing videos of.

TLDR - it’s your stats, not your gear. Fix the stat leveling before touching any gear or adding in artificial enemy scaling.

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@Holt_bathgate I replied below to someone else, but it answers your question of me as well.

“If not scaling, then what?”

I suggest capping skill and stat gains based on difficulty/challenge of activity. Something i’m amazed isn’t in the game for all activities already. If reading worked the same way combat did, I only need to read one thing for endless hours and i’m the greatest scribe in the world…right?

OK. Then what about capping/freezing Henry’s combat related skills (archery, swordsmanship, horseback riding) whenever he does side or favor quests for local NPCs? Only allowing skill progression in actual combat scenarios? For TBH, once Herny is a fully trained knight, felling your local corpse thieving bandit v. a fully armored Cuman knight tank, is a vast jump in the effort of combat skill set.

Perhaps this could be supplemented by a Fallout 4 rubber band difficulty effect. Tweak the AI defense rating on high level NPCs. So fighting 2+ knight tanks on the battlefield = fighting a deathclaw in the Glowing Sea. Except Henry’s actual skill is capped. The NPC combat levels are temporarily changed during that moment given the battle scenario he’s in. So it’s not as much shifting the goal posts but like rolling a die on a given NPC difficulty.

I’m starting over and this time i’m going to limit my gear to light and not buy the greatest weapons in the game. I love when the fights go on and I out play the AI. What I don’t like is running into a camp throwing out a couple of stabs and watching half the camp run away. Also I’m not going to get the perks that make them run away. I really hope they put effort into balancing the game the best they can because I will definitely be playing this game all year.


That could be another route, sure - but shouldn’t you be able to level up from doing side-quests? Isn’t that part of the point?

I think more appropriately, there needs to be difficulty factors to every skill/stat increase. This way, when hitting a bandit with a difficulty factor of 3 (based on skill and stat average) you can’t go higher than a 4 by besting them in any of the corresponding skill or stats. I.E. hitting a difficulty factor of 3 with a sword only gets you to 4 in STR/AGI/SWORD.

This should apply to all types of skill and stat leveling with the exception of maybe vitality. Just make vitality really slow to level in general and require a lot of running/jumping/sexing to level.

I think all forms of algorithmic scaling are bad in RPG’s. I prefer a table-top RPG solution like D&D.

Think about it, you can be a 9th level mage and slaughter a MILLION 1st level goblins. You don’t gain any experience and learn nothing from doing it though. Now fight a 10th level Mind-Flayer and best it, you can be sure you learned something from that combat and there was an actual challenge.

In your scenario, those goblins are no different than the mind-flayer and effectively it doesn’t matter if your hero is 1st or 20th…everything is always the same level of challenge to you.

I find that to be boring personally, but I do agree it would “fix” the current issue, just not as well as my suggestion I feel.


It’d be nice if a seasoned modder came along and addressed the ridiculous damage scaling. You can edit armor values, maximum damage, and enemy health – perhaps there’s a way to combine modifications to each of these systems to make the game more challenging for a longer period of time (reducing the “exponential scaling,” as it were).

One of the biggest kickers is how much your damage scales with stats. Has anyone discovered whether it’s possible to tamper with strength and weapon skill to reduce the damage you get from these skills? Also, if this could be combined with improvements to armor ratings (which I know for a fact is possible – there’s already a mod that buffs armor), I think that could go a long way toward completely addressing balance issues.

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I think that a lot of what we’re seeing is a byproduct of the difficulty of the opening sequences. You are so weak and unskilled that by the time you get to Rattay, players naturally wanted to level and source better equipment / funds to improve their chances of survival. I means it’s an RPG, so who doesn’t wanna git gud

Problem being that by doing that, so early on and without having progressed the story for want of leveling; it’s meant that many have become far too overpowered too quickly in terms of the games Act timeline.

WarHorse have made some assumptions on where they expect most players to be both skill and level wise, as you point out. But I agree that this approach is not a good one.

I’m not a fan of enemy scaling, but on the flip-side if I wanted God-Mode then I would simply just cheat… it’s unfortunate that players are able to exploit the systems & mechanics extremely early on to reach a near on unstoppable level so quickly and easily. They need to look at adjusting the curve to ensure that the game can remain challenging depending on both situation and enemy tier.

Player capability, rather than a simple skill point or perk, should (depending on situation of course) be the difference between victory or defeat.


Hopefully the people saying the game is “too difficult” will be banished so the game can reach its full potential by becoming more challenging

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ok now am at late game easy is not a word to describe the game becames a childs play everyone dies with one hit 0% challenge :frowning: they really need to do something about it


I find that the item progression is too quick and thus make things a bit to easy, especially with the near no risk horse archery combat.
I can kite the dimwit npcs and draw them out one by one with just a basic bow and arrow and the first given pebble horse, just draw while running away, stop and wait for them to come close enough to make the aim easy and let lose.
Rinse and repeat, all of the sudden no band of bandits is hard enough, no cumans numerous enough.

Making you able to get a lot of loot that you then can sell for lot of coin. Feels like there is no risk to my health, can even have the horse 100% encumbered and henry 9999% encumbered with loot and they ride just the same, fight just the same.

Biggest risk is getting stuck in the environment, or getting hit by arrows too. Though the archers tend to be quickly let behind as the footmen sprint after you foolishly.


I heartily agree. The player buys the game, the Developers make a rich, full environment to explore as the player wishes. If the impatient player spends hours shooting on the range to overdevelop a skill or strength, it is his/her choice and to their detriment, the game will be boringly easy from that point on, if they bother to finish it at all. Let the player decide. For my part, this is a wonderfully immersive game, and if I thought it was too easy I would simply PLAY as a character not afforded the perks. Avoid armor; the common fellow never had much, as higher quality weapons, money, food and certainly not advanced skills.
Stop whining that the game is too hard or easy. Why can no one accept this as what is appears designed to be, an immersive simulation that can be played as a game or enjoyed as a more real - world experience. Power levelers will move to the next game after “beating” this one in a few hours anyway, so let them do so and bid them farewell from the places they rode past on their accelerated Call of Duty clone.
The game is fine; the game is actually FAR more enjoyable than Fallout 4 or any of the multiplayer “Duke Nuk’em” clones. I just hope the developers don’t listen to anyone and continue making more like this game!

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Couldn’t have said it better myself. Fell absolutely in love with this game, but the game wanted me to get good exponentially fast so I did. By the time that **** gets hacked to pieces in sweet revenge, I feel like a god-king and running around becomes a chore. I feel like a stealth playthrough on hardcore would be fun, but if you trained like I did, you’ll still be OP midgame.

Play in light up to middle armors and it will not so easy!

Hi, I take my hat of for The creaters of KC!!! Like I eyrlier did, when the absolute best wargame Operation Flashpoint come out on the marker!!! I miss it but find the match in KC!! So intelligent game, with all small details y come up with! (Missed that yr team produced Arma though…:frowning: ) now I ’m waiting on a continuing of KC! When are the release?! PS! I use the strategy to bow down the first cumans/bandits on my horse, then I fight the last one with sword or other. It works perfect in the novise untill I become expert status!