I have i7-6700k (wiht 4.5ghz overed)
gtx 1080 ti
16gb ram
and window 10
and I have 40~65 fps in very high option(with ‘Low’ shade and ‘low’ shadow)
and it sometimes staared. and textures are very slowly loading.
i set LOD (all three of them) middle of range.
When I playing the game, I am monitoring how much this game use my ram(I have 16GB ram) with window task manger.
and it said that this game use only 8gb of my ram.
I found some article of this problem, so I put my starting(or launching) option in steam that "+exec user.cfg -heapsize 2097152"
and I created my own user.cfg and wroth command just like below
sys_main_CPU = 2
sys_physics_CPU = 4
sys_streaming_CPU = 8
sys_budget_sysmem = 15900
r_TexturesStreamPoolSize = 11264
sys_budget_videomem = 11264
r_ShadersAsyncCompiling = 3
r_ShadersRemoteCompiler = 1
r_ShadersUserFolder = 1
r_MotionBlur = 0
r_Sharpening = 1
r_DepthOfFieldMode = 0
cl_fov = 95
r_VSync = 0
sys_MaxFPS = 60
r_AntialiasingMode = 1
r_ssao = 1
wh_pl_showfirecursor = 1
r_TexturesStreamingMaxRequestedMB = 180
r_TexturesStreamingResidencyTime = 120
should anyone recommend my user.cfg setting? any suggestion? please help me. thanks