The Hunt Begins - no time to get equipped

I came across a quest progression issue between the end of The Prey and the beginning of The Hunt Begins.

While heading out hunting with Hans in The Prey I had stored all my armour in my Rattay Miller chest so that I could travel light with Hans and possibly carry more game back home. Of course Hans gets into trouble as expected and I have to rescue him via stealth since I only have a Shortsword and some hunting arrows. He is released, we banter and then I notice his wound.

The cinematic takes over of us arriving back at Rattay, him being tended by the Apothecary and then the scene changes to the two Lords talking about the bandits in the woods. Henry enters, is promoted and then pours the wine. Captain Bernard bursts in and delivers his bad news and I am immediately ordered to go to my new horse and ride with them to the Stud Farm.

This is where I had a problem. I was tired, filthy and didn’t have any armour to equip until I had returned to my chest. No matter whether I Fast Travelled to the nearest Inn to get the shared chest or went to the Miller, Bernard leaves without me of course.

After getting equipped I immediately went back for my horse, followed after the guards and arrived at the Stud Farm as quickly as I could. Captain Bernard immediately raged at me for being late.

I feel this is a little unfair as I was not late because of heading off to do some other quests - I had to go get equipped for combat and was still tired and filthy.

It might be appropriate to allow a small window between bringing Hans back (while he is tended) before being summoned by Radzig and the Lord to trigger The Hunt Begins to allow one overnight for resting and equipping.

Don’t worry, you can have a word with Runt next time you meet, and ask him to be more considerate with his timing next time he raids a town and kills everyone.

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I think if you talk to Bernie outside you have the option to say, gotta do something first or whatever. Been a while since I played, but I think that’s right. Then you could scoot to the mill and gear up before they bugger off. Forgive me if I’m wrong, it’s been a while as I said.

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You can ask him to wait, but he won’t wait long. There’s an inn on the way, just outside Rattay that you can access your inventory from.

@Aradiel You are right about that Inn but if you sprint there you can just get to the Innkeeper to buy the room as the Captain and his men come thundering past. I suppose there is a slim chance if you remembered to take your horse from the square that you could get kitted and catch up with them but the “Objective Failed” message has still occurred and may trigger the “Where the **** were you?” rebuke.

The most efficient way to do it is to ride your horse there ahead of Bernard, trigger the cutscene, and talk to him, then head back to the inn. Or don’t do that, and make him mad. No big deal. It has no effect on anything.

I read in the wiki that if you take too long on the investigation, Bernard and his men find the dead bandit anyway so I decided to go in my civvies and see how it went. I did take the guard into the woods with me once I found where I needed to go and the two of us dealt with the problem so there is a way through without having to struggle.

Now I have the issue that Ginger in a Pickle has started and Captain Bernard has advised I get to it “before the trail goes cold” and I am still tired and in civvies. I will have to hope I have time to get back to the Inn at the east of Rattay before I fail that objective too.

Thus trail doesen’t go cold - so don’t worry - you are mit far from the Camp where you went hunting with Hans so you can sleep there and it is possible to do the Mission even without a Fight so you don’t nessersarely need your Equipment