No, I don’t have any rifle yet. The thing is that I first need to buy a safe. I wanted to get one certified for 10 guns for Christmas (€300), but then I realized I would have to change it in about 3 years for a larger one anyways, so I plan to get one certified for 20 (€ 1100) in about July.
Then I will still stick to pistols for some time. I live in a city and there is only one range within the city limits that allows high power rifles. That one has only 50 metres rifle range, so it is still not that much fun. Anywhere I go outside city I can get by train, unless I would go to a rifle range, which tend to be away from everything. So basically, I will need a car mainly to get to the out-of-city range. I reckon I will spend €12.000 on a car. I don’t have that money yet and I won’t take credit for anything else than home.
When I’ll have the safe and car covered, I am not sure I will go into AR 15. I can get €400 off PAR MK3 since I know the guys who make them personally, but that will still leave me with €1600 to pay.
For €1600, I can get Vz.58 with modern accessories that can do anything AR 15 can and Zastava M76. That is assault rifle (semi-auto) and sniper rifle both for the same money.
The good thing is that stock Vz.58 will cost me €250 and I can buy accessories later, so I will probably get that even if I won’t be able to get serious range time (no car/no time), so I guess it will come into the safe (once I buy one) before the year-end.
Isn’t Vz.58 beautiful? And no, this has nothing to do with AK, apart from cartridge and external looks.