The †roll Cave ®™

Right gun control. If you were a corrupt government would you want all the citizens armed?

I dont believe i did.

I cant she is a lizard in human forum who eats people open your eyes m8

i would consider that a questioning of my statement

Right but you never specified a bill you just claimed that the British never attempted to disarm colonists which we know is not true.


Looks can be deceiving.

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you wasnt colonists at that point you were fucking terrorists … TERRORISTS I SAY !

not that deceiving she looks like a crazy bitch and is a crazy bitch :stuck_out_tongue: i mean look at that photo . would you marry that ?

Separatists yes but terrorists no. Their goal was to establish a country of their own not incite panic and fear. You could also call them Traitors but they were not terrorists.

Ah Pearl harbor the last mistake the Japs ever made.

so by that logic ISIS are separatists ? as all they want to do is establish an islamic nation

if the us revolution happened today , the UN would condemn you as terrorists

well i dont know about that not surrendering and getting nuked twice is a slight mistake in any ones eyes :slight_smile:

Yes but the commit acts of terror constantly. The Continentals didn’t go and shoot a bunch of civilans up they fought the British like men on the battle field.

just what a terrorist would say :stuck_out_tongue:

But does ISIS deny the terror attacks they’ve committed against several nations? The continentals treated British prisoners well they didn’t chop their heads off. They didn’t go shoot up a bunch of British government officials in any of the major towns. Civilans were not intentionally harmed during the conflict by the Continentals. They were not terrorists.
The British how ever were not kind to prisoners and often executed them on the spot when they were trying to surrender. There were guerrillas who shot British prisoners but there were not part of the Continental army.

terrorists . the lot of them , traitors and terrorists . give them land , money , guns , people to murder and what do they do , cause terror and death towards there own blood and origin , traitors and terrorists :slight_smile:

one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist . remember that

Troll (20 characters )

you know that for fact ,
stories like that in such wars are common place just like in iraq and Afghan , a certain incident may occur and the opposition blow it out of proportion to rally support for their cause .

i have no doubt at some point both sides killied a soldier surrendering

The Continental army did not commit acts like this is was the Guerrillas down south who weren’t part of the army. The British character is Tavington is based of a British officer named Tarlenton who was well known for executing prisoners.
But you are trying to bait me and ive already fed you enough :smile:

What do you think about that? Most Brits say its as bad as what the Nazis did what do you think?