The †roll Cave ®™

but they dont have the great British pint , every nation has everything you have posted :slight_smile:
talk to me when your nation has conquered and carved the largest empire in the history of mankind

We beat you in a war and defeated you in Louisiana several times :wink:

Not to mention it really didn’t last long at all.

not even worth mentioning really was it , a minor blip in a long list of victories , the most successful war waging nation the world has ever seen :smiley:

Nah most the people you fought weren’t very advanced Africans, islanders, native americans, indians, asians. It was rifles and cannon vs grass skirts and blow guns. Sure the British empire was impressive but it was not hardly the most successful country at waging war.

DIDNT LAST LONG AT ALL !!! HAHAHAHA sweet jesus , no only about 350+ years i suppose , the world didnt start when the us declared independence you know . the empire offically started in 1555 with Ireland and officially ended in 1997 when hong kong was handed back over . however the queen still heads 10+ nations and we head the commonwealth which is basically the empire . if we choose to and i hope we do we can set up free trade agreements within and build something of the commonwealth which would make us more powerful in terms of influence than any nation on earth . although we all ready wield vast influence , the US wont do fuck all unless you have our full support

It was only the largest empire of all time for a short amount of time.

I never said that. Oh you took Ireland which was pretty much defenseless.

Not sure what you mean by this… But Britain has desperately tried to get the U.S into the 2 world wars. Until we joined World war 2 Germany had you hiding in subways and stuck on your little rock. The only reason England is still a country is because he United States entered the war. You would have be fucked without the supplies or troops. We did plenty without your support so i really have no idea what you’re talking about. We dont need some little islands support for jack shit.

now lets not get stupid here mr jackson . by the time you entered the war we had won the battle of Britain , 99% defeated the germans in Africa . with or without you the allies would have still won the war .
WW1 you basically came in when the war was already won .
you forget on both occasion Britain was still the world dominate power . A power hitler had no intention absolutely 0% intention of destroying . Hitler wanted the UK to join the Axis and for us to invade the USA which at the time we would have been able to do as we had the largest navy on earth and could feild and extremely large army and as was hitler intention of supporting us we would have crushed you , so we also saved your arse :slight_smile: . you supplies were helpful yes but lets not hide from the fact that we paid for every single supply you gave us . so get down from your high horse .

what about syria . the US all up for bombing the UK turns round and says no … what happened . ohh yea you stood down and waited for us to change our minds . whether you like it or not we wield huge influence over you . more out of respect than anything else .

still lasted longer than your empire :slight_smile:

the UK will go down as a bigger part of the worlds history than the US will . simple . we created the modern world . we decide the time of the world :slight_smile: we are the origin of the planets main language of communication . our influence is far greater than the number the number of guns we own . we are in effect the granddad of the world haha .
we may be frail and old but the world still has respect for what we once was and what we have achieved .

name the last thing the US did without support from another major power

But only one country drinks beer the most! Remember that you are on a czech forum, muhaha!

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Czeching in on the culinary topic.

There are even slaughter-connected fairy tales told to children.


um, we never were an empire, so your argument is invalid. :smirk:

precisely my point :smiley:

but that wasnt your point all you said is you were bigger then our empire but our empire never existed sooooo…your being very confusing, you could have just said our empire was far bigger then yours would have been, had you become a disgusting greedy genocidal empire such as ours(the British Empire)


have you never heard that expression before . like when someone who dosent own a car says "look how shit his car is " then someone might say "but its better than your car " ? no never , ok maybe its and English thing

I guess it wasn’t genocide it was “colonization”. Bullshit, Thieving greedy murdering bastards was all you lot where back then.

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The reason the U.K won the battle of Britain is because of U.S supply ships. Without them you would have been starved into surrender. The Germans were certainly not even close to defeated in Africa. The major offenses against Germany Africa started when America entered the war.

Thats just why Germany bombed the living hell out of London and sent British forces fleeing across the English channel when France fell. Without the U.S supplies Britain would have surrendered.

The red war plan would have never happend. It was never approved by congress or the president. Who at the time was Franklin Roosevelt who was practically best friends with Winston Church Hill. So you did not save our “arses”

Actually a lot of it was given as the American public was very sympathetic with the allies.

I never said we pulled you out of the fire in world war 1 did i? But we did supply the allies and send in fresh troops in the last few months of the war sure we didn’t play that big a part in ww1 but we played a huge role in ww2.

Now lets move on to the invasion of France which you would not have been able to pull of without the United States. For every 1 British solider there was around 4 American soldiers in Europe. You claim the United States was worthless i the war yet when the time came to choose a supreme commander of the western forces an American general was chosen :smile: The brits were literally Eisenhower’s bitch during world war 2 The battle of the bulge when “Monty” and the British forces were fleeing from the Germans American troops held the line and Patton and the Third army came to relieve the besieged American forces.

Oh and im sure it had nothing to due with the vast majority of the United States not wanting to get involved with Syria. Not to mention the protests that occurred in Washington D.C.

Lol Britain will go down in history as the empire that murdered over 20 million people invaded hundreds of countries and enslaved countless more. The U.K didn’t create jack shit look at almost all the countries that were conquered by it complete shit holes. India is doing better but thats no thanks to Britain. Britain didn’t build Europe. Britain didn’t build Asia. And Britain certainly didn’t build the United States with the exception of the 13 colonies.

Actually Mandarin is the most spoke language in the world.

Please explain how?

Yeah i have total respect for the empire that murdered 20 million people.

America never had an empire but America could have taken all of south America over and pretty most of the Pacific islands.