The †roll Cave ®™

People were being murdered and police were getting shot and shot at. The police were supposed to make sure no one left their homes. So if someone is leaving their home during martial law to vandalism steal and just burn things you shouldn’t be surprised when they get guns aimed at them.

Wait right wingers are disliked in your country? I thought everyone was pro gun there unless right wingers are different there than they are America.

So what you’re saying is your country is completely un prepared because an attack hasn’t happend in 30 years? Thats a stupid argument and one that doesn’t excuse an incompetent government.

Nationalistic parties, Nazis, racists, skinheads… all of em Right wing. (and actually a concervativ muslim party, if there was one would be rightwing)

By extreme right march I meant neo nazis.

Also, I am left of center, I carry, I am pro-gun as much as it gets.

The way US understands left/right doesn’t really apply in Europe.

Actually not. Most people simply don’t care. The country is safe enough to the point that we have relatively low number of firearm owners considering that getting a gun license is in a way easier than getting a driving license. But most people recognize that bad guys will be armed no matter what, and that they might need to have a gun at one point or another, so we don’t have any vocal “anti-gun” group.

What he said was they were prepared - trained, equipped and ready, but weren’t on the place since it is impossible to have cops everywhere all the time. That is what I meant - once they let the guard down, anyone is easy pick. In Czech Republic or US everyone can decide for themselves whether they want to have a fighting chance or not.

I never said they shouldn’t shoot back. But they need to be sure of their target. In crowd control situation the only one sure of his target may be a sniper. Everyone else is a tragedy waiting to happen. Unless we talk about use of a pistol within 15 metres. AR 15 pointed into the crowd makes no strategical and no tactical sense.

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I consider myself right wing and im not a racist/Nazi/skin head if thats what you’re implying i am

You guys may like this. Its a good read, reading the whole document is necessary to comprehend the full context however each part of the conversation builds into the greater conversation.

Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

It starts out with a question. How much of it is real?
The skepticism sets in, and lessens your appeal
Next, you study conspiracy, develop some theories
And become extra wary of all your previous learned material…[/quote]

-Eyedea & Abilities, The Dive Part 1

Im pretty sure the police were using rubber bullets.

Iam not… as Iam sure you know it is a scale… so on the extremes you got the groups I mention.
Naturally where the middle is depend on the country. All danish parties are to the left of the two main US parties when we are talking taxes and the size and job of the state.

No Iam not saying Denmark was not prepared. but you don’t park a firetruck outside each and every house. you have a specific number depending on how often you expect to use it.

The same with police officers. Having x police officer out side every soft target you mention is a wast of money. And will never happen. The Police intelligence judge the risk for different situations.
It is a priority between targets, risk and resources, you also need police to handle ordinary crime stuff.
Just like in every other country.

Why don’t the police stop every single murder in the US? because that would require a few million more police officers.

And as you likely know, it is almost impossible to stop a lone wolf who newer said anything to anyone about what he planned.

So yes we had two persons killed by terror in 30years… I think it was the correct priority to use all that money saved by NOT having 5 police men outside every soft target imaginable all over Denmark., And spent it on other things. Like our school system, and universal healthcare. How many people die in the US because they don’t have healthcare and how many are killed by terror?
Maybe if the US spend a bit less on surveillance of their own citizens and a bit more on healthcare more Americans would live.

But I do know that when the people gets scared they no longer think about how you spend your money for the best effect.

Offcause now the politicians have to show they can get things done and I quickly getting a bag of extra money for the police and intelligence true parliament.

If the goal is to save lives putting a GPS chip in all cars to make sure than anyone driving to fast loose his drivers licens(or evne the car) would be way more effective than more surveillance and more money for the intelligence.

and yes, when I was in the army training for a deployment to Afghanistan I also understood that the army only had so much money… and we didn’t have the best possible equipment. And that was the way it was. The danish people clearly agreed that the current budget was the correct one.

Try a few thousand. Or people could just conceal carry. There are not millions of murders in the U.S good lord what kind of news are you watching

Europe is nothing special. America has public schooling k-12 and community collages are really cheap.

Any person can go to an emergency room and they are required by law to be served. You cannot deny anyone treatment in the U.S even if they dont have insurance. They do charge you after though but they have no way of making you pay it. Also America has the best surgeons and doctors in the world. Theres a reason everyone comes to America for surgery. Im pretty sure Canada has free health care but people who live near the U.S Canada border come to America for medical treatment.

Good god is everyone on this forum ex military

Maybe if Europeans actually spent the time to learn about the U.S rather than accepting dumb stereo types the world would be a better place.

The difference is that in some countries, you have a chance to defend yourself. Notably in US, Czech Republic, Estonia. In other countries, your only chance is hoping that the cops were right in their judgment not to be on the train station you are going to. (Not to mention the horror situation of Charlie Hebdo chief editor, who was a sport shooter, member of police sport shooting club, but was not allowed to have his gun for self defense with him even despite being on Al Qaeda death list and getting daily death threats - the French government is as same responsible for his death as the terrorists are).

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you do spend to much on defence as a whole i think the figure you spend a year is like 3 trillion (not just military but all agencies ) its stupid really as you dont need too

ive got a question for you

11 carriers and your current healthcare system
6 carriers and free healthcare ?

talking bollocks :slight_smile: you just like guns just say it .
guns have not stopped the US from being attacked
and czech republic and estonia are hardly high on terrorist targets

any argument you come back with i have one response … this video

How do you stop a family member from taking one of the guns in the house and using it to kill another member of the same household? You can’t.
How do you stop a person from killing the neighbor?
Having a police officer outside every house 24//? You can’t.If all have guns do this stop them from killing each other? no it don’t. Just look around the world where guns are common.
If I lived in the US I would also like to have a gun. And maybe even carry it…
But it is simply not relevant here.

ex military.
Remember that many European countries have conscription or had it until a few years ago.
(Denmark still have it, but there are more volunteers than the numbers needed so it is currently pretty hard to get in)
Some countries have it only for males and some for both sexes.

I served for 10 month as a conscript. Then some years later I decided to return to the army. (was there for 1½years and the left to start studying at university)

Carrying guns is the exactly same as my example with the firetruck.
I could buy a firetruck and park it outside so I got it if my house catches fire… or I can accept that the risk is small and if it happens the fire station is only 2km away.

Even if I could carry a gun legally I would not. The risk is so tiny and the police so close (2½km) that is would simply not be worth the cost or troubles.

If you take a walk during summer, do you bring a winter jacket, just in case that you get cough in a snowstorm? naturally not.

It is all about risk and price/troubles.

Ever heard of kitchen knives? How do you stop your family member from killing you with a kitchen knife? How do you know they won’t slit your throat tonight, as soon as you switch off computer? Did you lock all your knives?

How do you stop your neighbor from running you over with a car? Are you sure he isn’t planning to run you over in the morning as soon as you leave the house?

You mean like Switzerland, where every man has a military rifle and pistol at home (and until recently, all had also grenades).

Judging from the little taste of Danish we get in Prague, I’d not say it is not relevant in your country. Mind you, Prague has much lower criminality than Copenhagen.

Are telling me that the probability of becoming a crime victim in Copenhagen are on par with having house on fire? Goddamnit, I guess you don’t need streetlitghts since the fires must lit the town quite well, huh?

I carry regularly. What cost or trouble do you talk about exactly?

It doesn’t matter if it is 2,5 km or 2.500 km if you are standing against determined criminal with knife. Again, judging by the number of knife attacks commited by Danes in Prague… I wouldn’t like to be unarmed in Copenhagen.

And finally - I live in a country with easy access to firearms. Not everybody has them. Most people don’t. But everyone has the choice to decide for themselves. I wouldn’t doubt your choice to be unarmed if you really had a choice. But you don’t have any, your government has decided for you.

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Really we dont need to ? :smiley: After the things you’ve shown me about Russia and China building things designed to our military i think we do now more than ever. If we keep cutting our military then we are fucked. China will go the opposite and keep growing and advancing their military

Best doctors and surgeons in the world or free health care with shittier doctors and surgeons. Not a hard choice. With Obama care coming in you will be fined 10% of your monthly income until you buy it. Thank you King Obama :smile:

There has been far more lone wolf terrorist attacks in Europe and Canada as of late then there ever has been in the U.S

Theres this magical thing called a gun safe that you can store guns and ammo in :smiley: If your family member is mentally insane then dont let them near a gun. If Adam lanzas mother had kept her fire arms in a gun safe like a responsible gun owner then 26 fake kindergartners would still be alive today :smile:

You’re absolutely you cant have a police officer out side your home 24/7 so thats why you have a gun.

Mexico and Honduras have the highest murder rates in the world and guess what! Citizens are now allowed to own guns :sunglasses:

Yeah i think you’re the 8th person who’s claimed their ex military only 1 person has been able to provide evidence so far.

Right when the cops are minutes away you’re bleeding out on your floor because you couldn’t defend yourself against some psycho path.

Well you’re not likely to be struck by lightening so why dont you go run around in an open field waving a golf club in the air during a thunder storm :wink: After all the risk is so tiny.

Yeah we’re going to give up the right to defend ourselves because a British comedian says we should. I wonder were the good people of India allowed to own fire arms when the British opened fire on peaceful protesters killing over 100. Were the people of south Africa allowed to own guns when the British threw them into concentration camps? And to be fair were the native Americans who were ruthlessly slaughtered and raped allowed to carry fire arms? The Calvary striped them of their guns and murdered over 300 innocent people. Or we can bring up how Mao was fond of gun control. Bam over 100 million people dead. Stalin fond of gun control. Bam over 60 million dead. Hitler didn’t let jews own fire arms bam over 6 million dead

but there are still spending over 600 billion LESS than you

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:893, topic:21032”]
Best doctors and surgeons in the world or free health care with shittier doctors and surgeons. Not a hard choice.
[/quote] hardly

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:893, topic:21032”]
There has been far more lone wolf terrorist attacks in Europe and Canada as of late then there ever has been in the U.S
[/quote]because we have more muslims

BRITISH hahahaha he is fucking Australian . why do yanks always get us mixed up .

Nope its true people who live along the U.S Canadian border come here for healthcare. American surgeons are the best in the world. Foreigners come here all the time for treatment. Sure it costs money but its a lot better because its run by private companies and doctors are paid a lot more here.

I didn’t actually watch the video but you’ve posted a lot of British comedian videos as your arguments in the past. Plus Australians are literally just British cowboys with a slightly different accent. Ive had a British person tell me that everyone in America had a southern cowboy accent before.