The †roll Cave ®™

@TheDivineInfidel @snejdarek

Oh man, when something starts with a name “True News”, it makes me think of Russia Today channel.

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Nah he dosn’t claim to be the only good news source. He trys to take a non biased approach on the topics and simply states facts. Its actually a pretty good channel ive been watching him lately because he tells about how much of a scum bag micheal brown was and trayvon martin. Most media sources depict both of them as angels. But an interesting fact i learned about the Aurora movie theater shooting (which was the worst mass shooting the U.S by number of people hit). The shooter James holmes scooped out 7 different movie theaters before he committed the shooting. 6 of the movie theaters in his area allowed concealed carry in the theaters. The one he shot up did not allow concealed carry. So what if the movie theatre did allow concealed carry well some of those people might still be alive today.

ifs and buts im afraid . just because they allow concealed carry doesnt mean anyone in the theatre is carrying and even if they’re , are they prepared to use it and be the hero .

its a question that we will never be able to answer though im afraid

what did you do ? graze your knee :slight_smile:

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I wish.

I work a production line rolling bread into toppings (whole wheat seeded organic bread). my job has me standing in one spot most of the time rolling 20+ Loaves Per Minute.

After 2 years of slowly getting damaged my lower back finally decided to give in. Thankfully its not a major injury just painful and takes time to heal.

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Damn. I worked for a month or two or what in a bakery too. It was more like 30 loafs in 45 seconds followed by 15 seconds of pause for me, though.

But that was still better than the buns. I was by the belt, straightening out the buns that went too close to the others from the machine. I saw about 180.000 of buns in 12 hours shift.

But that was still not the worst, since I was alone by the buns. Much worse was working with some of the old hags that had the job permanently. Bitching all the time about my large Koss headphones, the only thing that was keeping me sane there.

But that still wasn’t the worst. The worst part was the heat. I really hated the heat.

Well, thankfully those summer jobs are behind me (there were much worse than this). I wish you the best of luck with finding something better.

brutal man.

Yeah we have temporary employees all the time (who suck dick because they don’t know what they are doing) so i realistically roll closer 30 per minute but that’s not an everyday thing.

The heat is what kills me too in the summertime it gets to be 105-110 degrees Fahrenheit, but on average its like 80-90 degrees. most people I work with like the heat but for me even when its the coldest Im overheated.

The job pays well and has allot of benefits but im ready for something else.

I wasn’t really rolling them, just catching them at the end of the belt and putting them on a cart with shelfs to “grow”. What is the correct English expression?

I believe that they upgraded the line a few months after I left so this job probably became redundant and there was someone standing by the belt and merely straightening the breads now and then as same as with the buns belt line.

i couldnt do a job like that , i would end up topping myself .
the same thing over and over would kill me haha .
even my job now working on a construction site just bores me too fuck . but like you my job pays very well but it is not worth the money if you dont enjoy getting up and doing it week in week out .

I thrive at mundane jobs the less thinking I have to do the better.

I go into auto pilot and think about philosophy and what not.

im the opposite . i love the feeling of achieving something and making people smile (as much a i enjoy annoying some people i also enjoy making others smile )
so for me i couldnt just make buns all day .

if i was you , i would take your bread skills and start my own bakery .
i refuse to be some bitter old man thats hates their job

I am paid to read your brainfarts over and over again… --> hardest job EVER! :smiley:

No, just joking I love you all! :slight_smile: I would even contribute in your topics if I could! :slight_smile:


noone but us sees this thread so contribute all you want buddy.

@TheDivineInfidel, If I had the skills to start my own bakery I would unfortunately my job has me doing one stage of the process all day. its literally a bread assembly line.

this is a photo of my work that used to be on the main webpage. im actually in this photo.

Lemme guess the person on the far left is you :wink:

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yep that’s me the small Cambodian girl.

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Best part of black flag was the shanty’s

Speaking of bakery’s
Yeah my friend had a bakery but it burned down and now his business is toast. He would trade recipes on a knead to know basis. You know what they say a good baker will rise to the occasion its the yeast he can do. But after working in a bakery she was left with a loathe of bread. Also i was wondering are there a lot of bakeries on the yeast coast? :sunglasses:

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Idk Im on the Wheat coast, and your not Punny.

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Well somone needs a tampun. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bread?