i looked at that photo and instantly knew which one he was haha
oh yeah? the Cambodian girl right.
One of my summer jobs was construction. That was probably the best summer job I ever had, hard manual labor, working outside. Really great.
One of my coworkers was a gipsy that was out on parole. He served 12 out of 15 for murder.
The funniest thing he told me was that parole is complete bullshit. Had he known that he will have to go to the parole officer twice a week and talk with him for an hour about his personal progress and feelings, and that the guy would come visit at his home at least once a week to check on him, he would just stay inside and serve the rest of the sentence.
He actually killed a guy for looking/talking bad at him in a bar. When I asked him whether he learned his lesson he told me that if someone talks shit to him, he would not hesitate to crash their skull for a second. So much about being resocialized.
Sounds like a nice guy.
lol who sent you this?
they obviously don’t know these forums very well.
that guy who asked about changing user names ,
he is new so i dont think he has quite got the jist of the people on this forum just yet haha
but really how can you even argue that to be an attack . where do these people come from !
must be candian
I will again say that Canadians are not really as nice as most people make them out to be. Ive met/known a lot of vicious assholes that come from Canada. Stop spreading the lies
I got a joke for all of you why were Soviet snipers so good in world war 2?
(because they were marxsmen
that was fucking awful hahaha
I got a better one
In world war 2 it was the fatherland vs the motherland so wouldn’t that make it domestic abuse
i feel sorry for your kids when you have them . the dads joke struggle will be real for them
Damn i did nazi that response coming
My kids will laugh at my puns or i will leave them in a box in the wilderness with only 2 days worth of food.
Did you all know Hitler escaped into the center of the earth and lives with mammoths?
I know one who moved to the Czech Republic. Really nice guy. His concealed carry gun is however a long .44 Magnum revolver, which raises one’s eyebrow once you find out
On the other hand, I understand him, considering he had spent much of his lifetime in a country where concealed carry is illegal.
Well im sure there are a lot of nice Canadians but the idea that all of them are polite nice people is very wrong. They’re just as vicious as other people are.
Im always surprised by Canadas gun laws. You would think they would a very gun friendly country considering all the wilds in their country but i guess not.
Yeah people who have never touched a gun in their life always want some big flashy gun like that. Not sure why you would ever want a .44 magnum for concealed carry unless you were n grizzly country.
making up for short comings in other area’s
Yeah the only real reason you would need a .44 magnum for concealed carry would be in bear country or moose country.
And @snejdarek do you know English or do you have to translate all of this im curious?Your English is excellent dont get me wrong but If you do have to translate all this i feel sorry for you because google translate is a piece of shit
even then i would much rather carry a rifle that i would imagine be cheaper to have/maintain