The US has lost more people to Islamic terror attacks than the whole of Europe combined . You have one of the highest murder rates on the planet and that not including gun accidental deaths . You have well over 100 mass shootings a year . Your police force a trigger happy and often shoot innocent bystanders . I wouldn’t want my country to take a single example from the U.S. in any department .
Czech Republic has a good balance between guns being legal but ensuring only the right people get access . The U.S. sells them like a pack of biscuits .
You keep coming back to this comment on how the massacres happen in gun free zones but it’s irrelevent when their is no barrier between a gun zone and a gun free zone as the flow of guns between the two zones is not existent therefore it’s a stupid point to keep bringing up and hold no credbilty .
[quote=“SirWarriant, post:1556, topic:21032”]
You told me earlier they were just farmers who took up arms to defend their land
[/quote] yes they’re but point to the last year Afghanistan was not a war zone be it , tribal war , drug wars , Russian invasion , civil wars , Western invasion , ISAF security operation .
Many of the people there have never lived in a time of peace and are all well practiced on how to defend their farms from attackers as they have been doing it longer than you have been breathing .
You didn’t get my point . Being able to shoot is 10% of the skill of winning a fire fight the other 90% is in fire and move drills etc a trained force would out manoeuvre an untrained force and wipe the floor with them even if the untrained force had a better shot on a range .
[quote=“SirWarriant, post:1556, topic:21032”]
I never said they would be running around going “Rambo”. They would use guerrilla tactics against the enemy. As for British citizens. Well lets look at your history. British people were always taught to rely on authority even in the medieval days. The monarchy will protect. In the U.S people didn’t wait for the governments help they took matters into their own hands. We could protect ourselves because we were armed.
If bandits attacked a British village you were defenseless. You had to wait for the nobles to send someone to deal with them because you couldn’t. In the U.S if bandits attacked a village they got shot plain and simple.
[/quote] I live in a civilised nation where we don’t have the threat of bandit attacks therefore I have no need to arm myself against such attacks . the British population in every conflict we have been involved in have helped with logistics and the war effort in some form .
The U.S. military wouldn’t be grateful for your help . They would discourage it and encourage you to join the army instead .
You carry on believing the entire U.S. population would grab their guns and charge the invading force all you like but anyone with any sense will know that isn’t the truth because many would value their own life and put their trust in the U.S. army to fight it off and if the U.S. army failed then the militias would lack any real support and would fail long term .
Lastly guerrilla warfare is ineffective in fighting a special forces attack and is only really effective on a large slow moving force such as the ISAF mission in afganistan which has its hands tied by rules of engagement .
We all know the Russians wouldn’t give a shit about such rules and would instead blow the fuck out of your house the moment you fired a single shot knowing the Russian prob nuke you