The †roll Cave ®™

You see this is a real event. This actually happened. And did you not see the link where a man stopped a gunmen in a barber shop?

Cases like that are very rare. But you’ll just keep ignoring the fact that millions are saved each year by concealed carry.

Ill post these again in case you missed them.

of course look im not saying in every situation its useless . many situations it works . but many others it can go wrong its getting the risk v reward situation .

we chose to remove guns all together and over 100 years we can now live in a society without fear of a gunmen . you cannot because the guns are their so that fear is real and you’re better carrying a gun .

i have no need to carry a gun as the likely hood of me facing a gun are so remote its not even worth the worry .

about adapting to the threats around you .

sit the fuck down

haha we have our nans yea !

The threat is very remote for me as well how ever i would rather not be in a situation where i needed a handgun and not have one. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.

In the first clip in the video i linked you an old women makes all 5 of the armed robbers run using her pistol. Had those men had a weapon she would have been dead.

they did . all were carrying weapons , such as sledge hammers

in my one the nan chases 6 off with a hand bag

Well then they were the worst criminals ever. Had they been a real criminals she would have been dead.

Yes quite pathetic of them.

lets not get into this all again though i think we have all made each others positions quite clear

U.S U.K war lets begin.

not really what person is going to murder a 85 year woman with a sledge hammer ?

[quote=“SirWarriant, post:1963, topic:21032”]
Well then they were the worst criminals ever. Had they been a real criminals she would have been dead.
[/quote] above

they were after watches not murdering someone on the street

A lot of people do. Do you know how many elderly are victims of crime like that because they can’t defend themselves? The criminals will always go after the weak.

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not many here . …

the US is fucking gay ! :slight_smile:


I didn’t, it just popped up, since the police released the footage today. It could be very well used to justify your view, since there were cameras and cops actually before the crime happened. Anyways, I just wanted to return the favor after you showed us some nice British police work. Cheers mate.

Australia school shooting training video

The problem with this is that (1) the attacker was a cop that trains shooting for cops, (2) kids had next-to-experience with pistols (while in real life CCers tend to get more training thatn cops), (3) cop always knew where the kid with the gun will sit.

Just watch the cop shooting the kid with gun immediately after entering. I agree this is no good situation, but the way the anti-gunners put it make it unplausable even for their cause.

Try this for more comprehensive test. A one that is not run by people whose agenda is to show that armed populace is as defenseless as unarmed one.

Video “What you didn’t learn in Concealed Carry”

(1) Starts with proper GRIP of gun. REALLY?
(2) Proper stance? REALLY?

Kid with knife shot

In mask? With knife? I know one family member that ought to have been shot but there was noone around to do the shooting (father had guns in safe, in any case was probably murdered without having any chance to respond even if armed).

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congrats you found one not i used the would “many”