The things wrong with this game

other thing that ruined my immersion: the sun sets everyday at same time. Dont let me start about the sun-rise…

This game is trash!

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My fave Skyrim mods (I use around two hundred) are all about realism; dogs and cats but more importantly their sounds…
I use a few sound mods and hearing rain/tgunder whilst indoors etc/hearing proper indoor sounds whilst walking around etc…
And adding babies…

What makes me happy is that base KCD has soooo many mod essentials in the base game that ALL USERS get to enjoy a masterpiece in game world creation.

Now Hearthfire and most things that modders needed to make the game better happened over time, and until the recent legendary edition release (six years after initial release), finally opens the mod community to having less constraints (eg RAM/script size) that the 2011 gamebryo engine offered in all its 32bit glory.

KCD is a fantastic sandbox from which to build and I am hopeful that the devs do continue their phenominal level of support for the product they clearly care about (this isnt just $$$ to them)

Once this game gets ten thousand plus mod community… and has been in the wild for half a year; I think we will see something that no one is yet ready to experience, and which no future product will be ready to compete with…
Niche genres (RPG), and normal difficulty are not what the masses demand. Given the development time and near impossibilty to make a perfect polished game ‘out the gate’ will have many investors wary/scared to deliver said titles…

Like tony hawks pro skater which was indie before indie was indie… it showed that cookie cut clones of existing titles isnt all the market has space for…

I cannot see anything taking this genre further any time shortly. …
So if this is our new RPG world to mod like nuts- I am so very glad it is charming and beautiful to walk through.

Like Oblivion was set in subtropical territory (and was beautiful) vs Skyrims’ relatively bleak world… medieval Bohemia is a bounty.
Gladly found.

Mods? The future is sooooo bright (!)

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so play Skyrim

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You lost me at:


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I’m starting to think it’s you, not the game…

Maybe just stop playing it and go back to Skyrim :joy:

this is the problem with the complain community…“it’s broken/bugged cuz I’m hot garbage”

No, you can’t …that’s why every 4 lines was “like Skyrim” or “not like Skyrim”
Skyrim is alright, but it’s pretty whack…combat is Skyrim is absolute trash

You should learn something about sarcasm. :wink:

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:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Read entire first post, slowly, carefully. :wink: It was a sarcastic list of silly things people complain about. And you fell for it. :wink:


honestly, it’s hard to tell on here any more lol

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Beauty of the internet I guess… :wink:
More on topic: Kittens! I want my Henry to be able to train a kitten into a cuman killing machine that purrs! :wink:

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Quick solution: PLAY SKYRIM!

I would like to thank you for putting a smile on my face with this little shenanigan you made here (and the way it progresses). A welcomed and much needed distraction while I wait for next patch. :wink:

Back.on topic pls


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Yup, war kittens of doom, depiction of medievial Bohemia without them is just not complete, not to mention racist towards our feline brothers and sisters.


All grass is gr een.this proven to be bullsjit by medieval professor.

Also i need working toilets until this is solved game is unplayable


Don’t forget about litter boxes, kittens will need them!

There needs to be a guild that will walk all the dogs. And henry can work for them.

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“Not like skyrim” is enough. :smirk::wine_glass:

The “things wrong with this game” is that some people wants it to be Skyrim.

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