The things wrong with this game

what you expect from a bow?
It isnt like a toy, you cant continue running or something if an arrow is in your body

What? You cant hit anything if you use a sword for first time?!
I dont understand what you want to say with that?!

The rain in Skyrim doesnt looks real too.
Show me a game where it is perfect?
What is wrong with you people… you cant have everything nearly real.
Maybe in 100 years where the size of a game has 100 TB.

What?! Laughing out Loud.
You never played really Skyrim, right!

You think it is easy as a thief?

Like in real medieval times!?

Yes but really Skyrim isnt enough like Morrowind. And Oblivion players just wouldnt know.

So KCDs weaknesses is not being like earlier versions of itself. (Shiye we actually get these complaints on thread stating how it isnt like the alpha/beta etc)

Please I am still trying to keep the sarcastic theme going but, too many literal readers here…
And cut paste lists justs helps their arguments (on other forums/boards you know they will reference them saying stuff like even the KCD evangelists agree with me… (quotes list)…

Truly the only thing I want is a HUD that fades away and an option to remove the crosshair as well.
Or just fade away all HUD elements based on their need. ((Compass would have to be a toggle)

The things wrong with this game is mostly the internet misrepresentation it gets. … or from the haters- the fact it is a niche rpg game (the attractor for most)

Suppose if it played like COD or overwatch or something and allowed everyone to be megapowerful and/or save cheat their way to finishing it…


The only thing wrong with this game is this forum… it’s full of whining little kids.

The game itself is unbelievably good

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I f*cking died :joy:

Guys focus…kittens puppies…essentials


Not coming with an eight core CPU in the retail box…

Yes I need a cat in the game. My actual cat (Not Mike Hat the dog (Ghostbusters)) costs money to maintain.
If my virtual walking simulator also had cats…

Anyone want a well trained house cat? Comes with kittens inside.
Fingers up bottom optional.

Exactly, lets keep our priorities straight!

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For me the problem is this game is way too much like skyrim. The player is being railroaded constantly (way more than in skyrim) and overall interaction with the world makes it clear that there is no real life.

Npcs act according to strict scripts and know everything, even things they really should not. Outside the quests there is absolutely no life, no “sandbox”. No real economy, the player can completely abuse poaching, looting, stealing and sell absolutely everything. No meaningful interaction with anyone or anything. The player can eat from any pot with no questions asked, but guards will fine the player for absolutely unreasonable things.

I really like the feeling of the game during the prologue, but after that it became clear just how lifeless it is.

I still enjoy playing it for the beautiful world, the combat, and finishing the main quest. And there are a lot of things that truly are better than skyrim, but there are also so many things that are worse or as bad as in skyrim.

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Im sorry but comparing this new and fresh game with the 2011 release of skyrim aka the worst elder scrolla ever…

Main focus of devs should be realism
So cats dogs falcons donkeys and goats people we need goats


Skyrim is why I deem these open world rpgs as medieval walking simulators.

Which at just about every level Skyrim gets wrong.
Mods made the game acceptable, and are why it has had the lifespan it still has… but comparing final build games seven years after release- that are by their design very intentionally different (elder scrolls saving grace is creating any type of character),… lets just give KCD a few months to breathe…

When we have kittens that hunt mice and quests to kill rats in the basement (essential mod, yes?) we will be ‘halfway there’…

diz iz my cat plz upload in game

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Sarcasm - the use of remarks that clearly mean the opposite of what they say, made in order to hurt someone’s feelings or to criticize something in a humorous way.
Posting it in case anyone else misreads what OP meant and before this topic gets overly serious.

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“We need goats”?

Only if we have jedi training camps where people learn to stare at them…

Nah, goats would be pretty cool.
Tethered to (grass) roof of some cool urban huts…

Yes we need them.
I researched and goats were a thing in middle ages.
Also disease and shit everywhere.
This game needs a smell mod…

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Now that you mentioned disease it occurred to me that rats were a thing in medievial times as well. And rats go great with war kittens.

Holy Grail/monty python got medieval dirt right… .

“How can you tell he’s a king”
“Well- He isnt covered in shit like the rest of us”
(Unlikely verbatim)

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Hands up who wants cats.


Their should be a cat guild where you train cats to fight hordes of rats.

Also horse fighting.
(Horses fighting each other)

We need a colloseum just outside rattay for the beast fights.

Dont worry is all historic accurate i checked…

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more importantly a goat relationship…and one that is meaningful, not just a quick pump and dump…gimme the goat I can go home to at the end of a day, and we can play with our cats

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Train cats to fight waves of chickens…they explode in a puff of feathers…is’s great

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