There was me thinking I had a good pc!


First things first,

My specs:

GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070 (latest drivers)
CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K
RAM: Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9B 8GB 1600Mhz CL9 DDR3 Vengeance Memory
Storage: SSD Drive (128GB)
Motherboard: Asus P8Z77-V LX


Graphics: High
Resolution: 2560x1080

My problem:

I am averaging about 20-30 FPS on high settings and the game runs terribly at random points too, for example when I’m sort of in the general vicinity of a cooking pot (I don’t know if this is coincidental) my framerate will often drop from around 40 FPS to about 15 FPS if there are people around. Another example would be at Talmberg after the “almost siege” where there are about 6 peasants crowded around a cooking pot at dawn… on high settings my frame rate drops to about 15-22 FPS. Approaching the dinner hall where the horses are kept will cause the same thing too.

My CPU doesn’t appear to be maxed out but my GPU is for the most part hitting 100%.

Witcher 3 on ultra works great… just this game barely gives me over 30 FPS on high settings.

Any recommendations would be appreciated!

Its not uncommon that good pc’s cant run this game worth crap.

its more the game being unoptimized than you, trust me. I run a 1080 at 2k and ultrawide and i cant go over 60 unless everything is set to medium or less and that doesnt include towns because no matter what settings you run the game at, towns bring any gpu at any resolution (above 720) to below 60 fps and even below 30.

1080ti’s cant average this game very well at 4k either. Its mostly just the game, being that Witcher 3 runs amazing for you and this doesnt.

It’s a good PC, but it isn’t a Master Race build, still weird, you should have better performance, you have something there using the resources.

Have you tried tweaking game settings? Vsync is on automatically without a chance to turn it off and the games fps can be locked to ur refresh rate.

Also you can allocate more ram to be used in the game through steams launch options, but your still not going to get anywhere near what you would think you’d be getting.

Oddly enough, my computer doesn’t appear to be under any kind of unusual stress when this game isn’t running.

I was close to shelling out £500 to upgrade my CPU/motherboard/RAM just because this was bugging me so much… until I see that some people with older graphics cards seem to be playing with much higher frame rates than me :frowning:

I’ve tried the RAM launch options to no avail either. Thanks for the suggestion though.

DonutsandAle: Yes, I’ve played with the game settings quite a bit - there doesn’t seem to be any consistency though in performance. I’ve been told that physics has quite a detrimental impact on performance but for me it has zero impact on frame rate.

Similiar setup on laptop with i7-6700hq, gtx 1070 and 16gb ram and the game stays around 50fps on 1080p with high preset.

So yeah, the optiomization sucks on this game since I run AC Origins at ultra setting with similiar perfomances and it looks way better than KCD, not to metion the bugs in the MAIN STORYLINE which forced me to stop playing until they release a fix in patch 1.3

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That is oddly low performance. How much more performance are you getting at low or medium as compared to High? This game is demanding but it’s not supposed to be that demanding. Also, what’s your Vegetation LOD setting?

Lower “physics” to medium settings, it’s stressful for the CPU and can gain fluidity (especially considering your CPU wich is as mine, pretty old now, it most likely will have stuttering).

The “lighting” setting has the biggest hit on performances, set it to Medium.
You may have to validate “Lighting” settings each time you launch the game, don’t ask why, framerate seems to be locked to 20 fps until I validate a change (up or low) in this parameter.
You may notice a vast fps gain, try it on the main screen. Validating this specific setting “unlocked” fps, immediately visible in main screen (got from 22 to 40 fps, don’t know why).

Everything else could be set on very high - ultra without noticeable performance hit.

Thanks Fenris, that’s interesting ! I will give that a go.

Vegetation LOD settings are on about 5%