I’m sure anyone who’s downloaded the new DLC noticed that there’s a new dialogue option when talking to Theresa. Namely, the ability to bring Theresa a nicer dress to wear. After giving her the gift, she excitedly tells the player, “This is a lovely dress! I’ll definitely wear it!”
Then, she never wears it. The 600-groshen dress/dresses stay lying in her trunk while she goes about her day wearing her drab default clothing that none of the women in Rattay would ever wear.
I feel like warhorse thought the gift idea was cool, and it is. It’s realistic to think that the son of a lord would want to give his girlfriend nice dresses befitting of a noblewoman.
But then they never actually coded the NPC to be able to wear different gear. If improved, this feature could be lovely. I’d even be in favor of being able to give Miller Peshek nicer clothes as thanks for taking me in. Lol.
Edit: I filed an official bug report, and I was informed that the devs are looking into the issue and will try to fix it it in the next patch. Jesus Christ be praised!