Theresa you S... wonderful woman

If you haven’t completed this quest, please move on, there will be spoilers.


So you completed this quest, and we had a good time Theresa, but man did you turn cold after that good quality time we had together! Something I said or did I really don’t understand?
This is really one of the issues I got with KCD, stories that just turn cold or forget that you had any interaction with a person, like MyLady, unless these women are made of ice? is that how women are in Bohemia in those days?? Could this please be fixed down the road, it kind of feel weird and wrong some how.


I agree, this quest (courtship) is my least liked bit of the game so far- There is no explanation why she suddenly turns cold like that.
Then again, I was never really into her in the first place and maybe she felt that.


Maybe she’s just a cold B#Ach but it feels very disconnected. Like i said the MyLady quest.


We got played


You weren’t as good as the Cumans.


as far as I remember they got nothing, we got some sweeet time after all :wink:

I see some of you guys never dated a girl. They do things. Odd things. And it makes men ask “why did she do that”

Why? She’s nuts. Duh.


well, i’m married, so you’re right, however from a story point of view it is a bit odd :slight_smile:


Maybe good old Henry isn’t as good with a sword as he thinks he is…


LOL :wink: well that didn’t show in the cut scene.

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haha true, maybe she was faking :open_mouth:
Maybe she just found out about all the bathmaids we’ve been visiting.


Some people in that game are surely smoking the good stuff and suffer from amnesia sometimes.
All the work Henry put into her, and she’s like “Hi, do I know you?” afterwards.


Nah, see, Henry is so good, he blew the poor girl’s mind. It’s sad, really.


yeah, who dosen’t enjoy a good rape now and then, am i right? :joy:

She’s giving him the silent treatment because she’s preggo :pregnant_woman:she’s confused and in denial. She doesn’t say much to her uncle* or anyone else. As with many women in medieval times, Theresa’s mother died in childbirth. Simply put, Theresa’s too worried about her fate to engage in idle chit chat. And, she’s played enough hide ‘n seek.

If you dont like that version, then the half baked quest ending was acknowledged by Daniel

*-Miller Peshek was put off my 2 weeks of the apothecary potions and bloodletting; imagine a baby or two… twins run in the Peshek family


i atleast can explaine why she doesnt like my henry… kinda f’ed up with the bailif quest someone killed himself then his wife did all becouse i wanted to do theresa a little favor and, oh boy… that did not turn out like expected… atleast i got 2 groshen for it which counts for something eh?

Rode hard and put away wet.
I feel used


I get the distinct feeling that all the women in the game just milk you for presents and sperm and then kick you out to the curb. The romance system is obviously just one more feature that had so many corners cut that it’s a ball now. I don’t mind it too much though, probably because no matter how you play him, Henry is a moron…so to me, his emotional attachments are irrelevant at best.

another poorly developed plot line with no real ending of consequences.

I like it. She wants to be a fbuddy to henry, she is in charge and will send a raven with a note sms when she wants to see him.

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