Thick as thieves pashek multi-broken

attempt to pick lock. lock rotates approximately 25degrees and then stops. upon loading a save, chest becomes non-interactable. next step is closing the program itself, loading game. Chest can be interacted with, hooray. but again, lock stops rotating.

Also who the fvck thought this particular font is a good idea?

sounds like you have a corrupted save/bug related to just you.
On PC didn’t have that problem

I’m on pc, and i’ve gone through every save i’ve had since starting the game that is near that chest. that chest (and now the hard locked chest next to it) are not I’m restarting the program one more time and if it doesn’t work, this game is probably ruined for me. I’ll probably get a refund and never play this game again.

Ok, looks like I fixed it.

here’s what worked:

  1. rebooted the program.
  2. loaded a save from before accepting the quest.
  3. accepted the quest
  4. made a beeline to the chest…and it unlocked this time.

glad you found a fix.

by the way. this problem arose because of what seemed like another bug. I paid the guards for stealing something. and they attacked me anyway. This is the buggiest game since Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines.

@Warhorse Studios. I think you need to change the USK restrictions to 18 years.
To many kids who overreacting due of one little problem which can be fixed in next patch.
But they are so foolish that they forgot her other shity steam titles where they lost her mind icon_laughing

Life is short and someday someone is going to find your cold dead corpse, pants full of p1ss and siht. not long after, nobody will remember your name, and everything you care about will be irrelevant or no more. but here you are wasting time being an internet siht talker. speaking of which, I got siht to do. almost 40, by the way there, Chuckles.

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Well recognized. 30 here?! But Experience, behavior, wisdom and virtue do not come with age!

yeah, I’m sure you’ve got me beat in every regard. You insulted me because you are a fanboy and you felt offended, I get that. But I’ve been gaming several hours a day, every day I could since the mid 1980’s, and i’ve never spent as much time dealing with bugs and glitches. Also, there’s a few things that I consider to be pretty piss poor design choices, as well. The “falling half a meter and bleeding to death” because I have to bandage both feet and the developers were high when they decided to develop the bandaging part of the interface. I mean seriously: from that height, I could take blood thinners, strip naked and swan dive onto a pile of broken glass and land on my boner and not bleed to death.