I am definitely excited that the game is coming to Xbox One consoles. What sort of Voice commands or Kinnect features do we want to see in the game? You could distract a guard by saying things like. “Over here,” or on the battlefield you could give out commands like in RYSE. You could sing a long a tune and get drunk with your friends in a pub. I am up for anything. I know the Kinnect is not super amazing, but there is potential. I also cannot wait to use the DVR feature if the Xbox One and share my videos as well! Any thoughts?
i hope absolutely nothing.
I hope it’s not even remotely considered.
Oh there will be some kind of implementation with Kinect. I am just curious as to what it will be. The more creativity the better.
Hmm…you seem pretty sure of this.
Would rather they put their time and effort into making a great game rather than adding gimmicks!
The only useful thing that can be added to Kinect is a small slip of tape…
Obvious troll is obvious. You in da wrong hood.
Call me paranoid, but every new game in production, regardless of platform, eventually ends up with multiples of this same OP…
I’m beginning to think that Mickeysoft is paying a larger than average number of shills to hype their tripe… ;p
So instead of constructive criticism, all I am seeing is childish and ignorant posts. Anyone with a brain knows that Kinect will not be a main feature of the game meaning you will not NEED Kinect in order to have a good experience. Most people will get this game on PC which makes sense since the game was going to be originally on PC. Then something happened its called, wait for it, DEMAND and OPPORTUNITY! They got their dev kit from Microsoft because there are a lot of people (like me) who want to see this game on Xbox One including Microsoft, and hell not just Xbox One, but all platforms. So if you are going to be a PC troll and have nothing positive to say, then please do not say anything. If you have some constructive criticism then by all means have at it. Just be courteous and respectful to other members. We all want this to be an amazing experience and I cannot wait to get my hands this game.
I know it will not be a main feature of the game, meaning you do not need a kinect in order to have a great experience. I am just proposing the question since its going to have that peripheral. There are some good things about Kinect and I think they can add some cool features to it thats all.
While I will play the Alpha and Beta on PC if I have to, my preferred format will be X1. I’m new to PC gaming but have seen other forums that pit one platform against another. I’m sure each will have its own perceived advantages but do we really need to be ugly to one another because of a difference in choice? It’s still essentially the same game and the OP asked a legitimate question. Let’s respect each other’s right to do so.
In regard to Kinect, I agree that there will most likely be some commands, but I don’t typically use mine when gaming. I’m actually more interested in what, if any Smartglass app might be created (there is another thread for Smartglass, btw.)
Thanks for your input. I did saw the Smartglass app thread as well.
I honestly thought you were joking, so I’m sorry if I came off as condescending or spiteful.
I am baffled that you hold any faith in the Kinect. My brother has one, and as it happens with all motion controls, it was used for about a month, before people got tired of it.
But for the sake of argument, I’m going to make my case:
Voice control
Voice control is potentially cool, because it doesn’t care where you sit. It doesn’t require you to stand up, or otherwise limit your interaction with your main control surface. It’s an added interface. Here are my problems with it:
- The speech recognition is not instant, and therefore doesn’t compare to the control of a button.
- The speech recognition does not actually understand what you say, and therefore doesn’t allow for any significant variations, resulting in a very artificial and repetitive use of language.
- The speech recognition is not reliable enough to make a valuable control surface in critical situations. Especially if you have a foreign accent.
- I want to be able to talk with friends while I play. I don’t want the Kinect to pick up any snippets of the conversation, and enact them in my game. And god forbid I have to say “Kinect” before every command I give.
Motion Control
So the main issue with motion control, in my opinion, is that it is extremely inconvenient. Let’s take a look at full motion control first:
- You constantly have to adjust yourself, so that you don’t get out of the sweetspot. This would kill immersion every time.
- It’s uncomfortable.
- Menu management is sluggish.
- The movements in this game in particular, is a lot about physics based combat. This is particularly bad for motion controls, since the in-game feedback (Sword rebounds and such) doesn’t translate to the real world, meaning you would repeatedly get out of sync with your in-game character.
So what about partial motion controls? I don’t know if it’s been done yet, but a game with main controls on a controller and a few commands in motion control is what I’m referring to here.
- It would require you to remove at least a hand from your controller, sacrificing control.
- Again, it’s not reliable or fast enough, to compete with simple buttons.
I’m sorry I just don’t understand, what the Kinect has to offer, that will enhance any aspect of the game.
Regarding your comment about PC Trolling:
I think the reason, consoles are being ripped on by PC Gamers, is that consoles have dominated the gaming world for a long time now. Consoles are closed systems, with a defined set of hardware. This hardware is set, when the console is released, and only upgraded once the next console is released. The hardware isn’t typically cutting-edge either (for cutting costs). For the last generation, this meant 8 years. Since consoles are so popular, developers tailor their games for these machines. This means games are developed for up to 8 years old hardware. So developers have the ability to design more complex games, with heavier systems, but they don’t, because they want their games to reach a broader audience.
Of course this isn’t an excuse to be a dick, but “PC Trolls” are not evil. Just frustrated and angry.
I’m an XBO owner, and I absolutely loved using the Kinect Voice Controls for Mass Effect 3 and… and… yeah, that’s about it
Let’s face it, the Kinect will do a game like this no justice whatsoever. Not only that, but even as a staunch console gamer, I can’t say I’ve been impressed with the Kinect at all. I have a 360 in my living room, and an XBO in my bedroom, and the Kinect for both systems is covered with a cloth to prevent accidental interaction with it.
I have to agree with the first few posters and say that I hope they don’t try to integrate the Kinect “just because they can”. However, I can definitely back your example for shouted battle commands, but I think it should stop there.
Thank you for your honest opinion and dialogue concerning this issue. I agree 100% With you on the Motion Control Point. I think that if they did do something with Kinect than it would be in the realm of Voice Control and maybe environment interactions. Like I said previously, I do not believe it will be a major mechanic in the game. but if you are going to bring a product to a device such as the Xbox One in this case, then I think you should utilize every aspect of that hardware. Just like when the game is coming out to the PS4. I hope that they utilize the touchpad on the controller. Thank you for your input.
Thanks for your input. Its great to have dialogue concerning this issue. Voice commands seem to be the way to go, but if the team can find some creative way to implement it in the game in a useful way then I am all for it. The first Kinect was garbage lol, but this one might have some potential. Good post and thank you!!!
Or Maybe If you find a certain villager or child in the game that you are quite annoyed with, you could just tell them to come here and when they get up close, you could slap em with a hand gesture! lol “Xbox, record that!”
Dude. Are you for real? Microsoft marketing 101…
Please don’t make me right. I’m never right.
Yes I am real. I am a gamer just like you who is asking questions related to the product that they are going to buy. If I was a “shill” working for Microsoft that would be great! I bet they would pay me far better than my current retail job.
You see now they can developed the game without kinect, and the power of xbox one increase. Mayby it’s can be better to have a game more beautiful without kinect