Thoughts on Inventory System

Inventory systems should be true to life in games, but they rarely are. And it’s understandable. Why would we force the player to decide what to keep and what to discard? Well in my opinion you have to live with the choices you make just like in real life. Players are always excited about the choices they make that alter the plot of the story in games such as in Mass Effect. Why can’t making decisions about what you carry be just as important? When playing games I’ve found that having everything doesn’t make me enjoy the game more. Having to work with what I’ve managed to acquire, save up, or hold onto within the limits does. Metro 2033 was an example of this. Every bullet counted. Save the bullets for monsters not the men. Nether is the opposite way around(usually). In addition, having everything leads to people being in a position of “What’s Next?”. Well you have everything, so you don’t need any more things. Thus by staying true to life and constricting the player to the inventory standards of reality, one can experience the joy of delayed gratification. Your enjoyment of what you find and acquire will essentially be spread across a longer time period. You may not be able to sell tens of weapons like in Skyrim to merchants. You may not have the ability to change to any weapon you would prefer at a whim. But you will have the choice to determine what is important for different situations. And it’s those choices that can propel you to victory or cause you to fall into the pit of defeat. If every decision you made about your inventory affected the livelihood of your character, the game would be a lot more exciting. Because there’s the danger of starving, going broke, losing favor, or dying based on how you managed your belongings. If there is something to lose, inventory choices become all the more important. Inventory decisions may require some thought. But it’s that required thinking that makes the outcome of your decisions that much more rewarding as well as exciting. You discovering what worked best or what was feasible. And what wasn’t. What do the rest of you Kingdom Comers,who want a great game delivered, think about a true to life inventory system for Kingdom Come: Deliverance? What should its design look like?


I totally agree with you, it would also make it a lot more realistic, and a victory would feel so much more better doing it with a limited amount of weapons. For example going out and you take a Sword and shield with you so then you cannot take another weapon (maybe a two hander on the back) i would be satisfied to kill lots of enemies with a limited amount of weapons.


I’d like to see stored items in a container or attached to a belt. No GTA-style all of the guns and ammo hidden in and invisible inventory.

I don’t want to see putting something in a pack that wouldn’t fit. Even if it would be light enough to carry, a spear is too big.

Horses are going to have an inventory, so I would like it if they had saddlebags.


I loved a thing in Max Payne 3. He had two gun slots and when he wanted to pick a shotgun or a rifle, he then held it in has hand all the time. When you switched to two pistols, he had to drop the big gun. It was really great to watch and play.

But we are dealing with guys responsible for mafia games, so I do not see a big problem here. In first mafia game, you had 3 (I’m not absolutely sure) slots for small weapons and you could fit one big gun under the coat. Another big gun would have to be carried in hands.

I like this realistic approach and want to see it in KCD. I don’t want to be able to have spear in my bag, or wild boar stuffed into my saddle bags. Realistic solution is the one we’re speaking about. So I think you would be able to carry a long weapon like spear or poleaxe in your hands, you would have a limited slot based inventory (like in Diablo) for saddle bags and pockets (it would be on devs to balance the amount of slots and size of items) and a slot for you sword. Or two slots for sword and a small weapon like dirk, or knife. There could be more slots on the horse saddle though. You should also be able to carry a shield on the saddle or on back. However, all the items not fittable into pockets and poaches should be visible all the time.

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I like how inventory is made in DayZ but I would not worry about it much because this is is obvious matter that Warhorse guys can’t go wrong with this.
More over what I saw in videos suggests that they have already solved this matter.

A nice balance between realism and convenience. I don’t want lots of loot to be on offer if the inventory restricts you to carrying only a fraction of it.


This is one of the areas I feel KCD should not compromise on in its realistic approach. I strongly believe the player should only be able to carry what he’s realistically able to, both in terms of weight and volume. No compromises. If realism is to be the hallmark of KCD then let’s start here at this basic level.

Ideally, inventory management should take place in real-time, as the world should not freeze over just because the player took a peek at his backpack. This would encourage tactical and strategic thinking. However, perhaps it’s too fussy to implement.


Don’t forget quest items, they must fit and stay in the inventory until used…

Sincerely hope it will be possible to carry a sword, shield & bow simultaneously. I haven’t seen it mentioned so far in any of the game footage or documentation but it seems physically plausible to me so fingers crossed.

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You mean, on your back?

I can see the player wielding a sword and a shield, while carrying a bow on his back. Possible, but doesn’t strike me as practical. Plus, let’s say he needs his spare hands. You mean to tell me the player would be able to carry sword, shield, bow plus the rest of the inventory all on his back?


The thing is that in real world you have home. That is actually crucial point, because in real world your inventory is your home. For example when you go to play tennis you take tennis racket with yourself but basball bat you leave home.
So carying sword, shield and bow is most likely unlikely (hoh the pun). this scenario would only appear if you’d have no home or place to return to.
Actually carying sword and shield if you are not going to fight is also unlikely. Other thing is carying sword for self defense but shield is quite impractical to carry around if you are not to use it.


You should consider the time span of missions. It’s not so uncommon (in real life) to carry a shield, sword and other things all day long

So a rig similar the one below with a shield strapped to it is completely unfeasible?

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What I was trying to say is: You just don’t carry around things you don’t (or will in near future) need

I see a small axe, not a sword. I see no shield. More importantly, just with how much ease would he be able to move, let alone fight? I don’t have a definitive answer for you. All I’m saying is make it as realistic as possible.

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I realise the image is not exactly what I described (it was just something I found quickly online). My intention would be to carry a short sword sheathed at the hip, I was simply trying to illustrate that it is not so unrealistic to carry a bow and shield with a backpack of some kind. I would also not expect to be able to load up like this without some cost to movement speed and stamina.

The underlying idea in this thread seems to center on having the character carry only a feasible number of weapons in addition to bags that would hold other items. I think there is definitely a limit to how many weapons one can carry based on the placement and size of the weapons and the bags. This could lead to different configurations of weapons and bags such that one could sacrifice bag space for more weapons and vice versa. And if the player character were to have less bags or weapons, their agility and speed would be greater due to being less burdened. Also there should be an extent to how much overall weight the player character can be burdened with. Thus in order to enable the player character to carry all that would be possible, he would have to be conditioned by some means in order to carry the greatest number of weapons and the heaviest bags. His horse would also be a means to carry more weapons and items. The number of saddlebags and weapon straps would vary possibly depending on the horse. It will be interesting to see how they’ve implemented or are going to implement the inventory system.

not unfeasible, it just looks really stupid.

So equip your character differently perhaps?

I’d like to see some semi-realistic inventory and weight system. Every item in the game should have some weight and the player character should not be able to carry several hundred kilograms of weight. Someone should be able to buy horses and carts to carry minerals, logs and other heavy stuffs. And you should have to carry a backpack for your self to stuff equipment you don’t use that often and girdles for stuff you often use like your dagger, bag of water and maybe some tools you are often using. Bows should be carried on your back and have to be covered when it is raining so your bowstring won’t be affected that much and you should have to use the bowstring only when you are going to fight because it would get bad over the time being used. Also the idea of saddlebags sounds good to me but I think those where expensive as well… not as expensive as an horse but expensive enough :smile:

Also I’d like to see sheath of a sword or other weapons to be stored in.

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