Time flow - fast travel, waiting, sleeping

I do not want fast travel in the game at all. Skyrim turned into a fast travel fest because the quests ending up relying on it. The landscape is structured so we should not need fast travel

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Problem is if the option is there and not easily removed, the purists WILL take the non-immersive option. A Hardcore mode sounds ideal.

you’re right I always use fast travel in skyrim. And I dont rly like it
 but theres not really another way.
I think Warhorse should enable fast travel option though for players who dont want to travel all the way to a city or something but you should be able to do the quests and other stuff without using fast travel. The game shouldnt rely on it.

I think the Day/Night circle should be not too fast but not too slow either I hope the developers will find a good solution. And you should be able to do things at night time, too. It would be more easy to steal something or kill somebody cause most of the people are asleep but since you need to sleep, you wont be doing too much in the night.
For sleeping purposes it would be great if you can set up a small camp with a fire (to cook your catched fish or hunted animals).

A normal waiting option like in Skyrim withough sleeping is unnecessary I think!

the player should be given the choice , maybe use “taxis” like horse and carts etc at each town like skyrim where you can either skip (go to sleep) and wake up where you wanted to go , or just sit and watch as the cart goes through the world , like the GTA 4 taxi system .

you should be able to go to sleep and wake up at a certain time , i think both of these options are down to the player to decide which is also the most business minded approach as they would like to sell as many copies as possible and i can already here the reviews to your visions of the game " 1 STAR - no fast travel system , should be renamed the "walking simulator "

when starting a new game i would prefer to have a few options to switch on or off concerning the level of realism, without the possiblity to change it later on, so my decision really does matter. for example, faster or slower flow of time. fast travel on or off, waiting on or off, maybe even to switch off the abiltity to save the game at every place. so everybody was able to experience the game the way he likes to.

especially in a game like this i would hate to have a fast travel mode. sure in skyrim its up to you to use fast travel, but lets be honest, if you do have the choice you will use it sooner or later, because it simply is to tempting. in dragons dogma sometimes i hated that i had to backtrack that often, but i did like not beeing able to fast travel. If there are numerous ways to reach your destination without usingn the same paths over and over again, i think its alot better to disable fast travel.

so in general, to me it would make sense to have the freedom of choice right at the beginning, but it should be an ultimate decision.

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Did you consider that if we go with “pure realism” in this, the logical conclusion is that we have a 1:1 ratio for hours and you have to play for 16 hours (that’s several days of RL playing time) every time somebody tells you to “come back tomorrow and I’ll have it done”?

Yes to waiting.
Yes to fast travel.
As for time scale, I think 1:6 is best. Not too fast to notice that the cicles is way faster than IRL, not too slow that you can’t see more than 2 or 3 days in a single playthrough.
In the end, the devs should look at their quests, consider how long would have it taken to do X and Y, or travel from point A to point B IRL, and scale the time from there comparing it to how long it took to do it in-game, so that it feels like you have really used 2 days to complete a task that could be logically expected to take 2 days.

what’s problem with that? you can just do more things. and if you don’t other things to do, like travel around the place, just sleep.

The solution in M & B I found charming, Real Time, yes, but when boredom arises, time lapse until an event occurs. The player decides himself.

I think you should be able to sleep in order to pass time. Imagine this, you order a sword and the blacksmith tells you that it will take 3 days to make. What do you do? I know I would personally wait in place for 3 days out in the rain and the cold until it’s done. I honestly don’t want to have the option. So I would vote no to waiting but yes to sleeping.

Also with the tiredness bar, I vote on my own thing. If you sleep for 8 hours let’s say, you get a stamina regen buff on 5% or something similar. after 10 hours the buff disappears, then after 5 hours again you get - 10% stamina regen or something similar.

And no to fast travel. If I get the option I will just miss-use it :confused: Anyone played Skyrim with the ScenicCarriages mod? Basically you don’t get taken to a screen and ported but rather you sit on the carriage the entire way while the guy “driving?” gives some fun facts about the area etc. You can also be attacked by bandits while on the carriage. Also isn’t the KC: D area pretty small? I don’t think fast travel will be that necessary ^^

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It makes more sense sleeping 3 days straight than assuming that your char does whatever while your screen fades to black after you press “wait”?

Regarding the game design I think I am bit confused.
From the info we have I don’t think that the game will be constructed as a sandbox. It will be an open world, means that we can go every where we want at any time. Not a sandbox, because I guess we will be dependent of the story progression like in Mafia 2 and we will not create our own story like Mount and blade or Minecraft.
But this only some guessing.
So I am not sure if like Mafia 2 the story will be time scheduled so that the game will ask us to go to sleep in order to access the next bunch of quests.
My guessing are based on the fact that it was announced that the game duration will be max 6 month, so the whole story must fit in this time.
That why I cannot see how they can design a game like Skyrim with a natural circle of night a day (even if the time scale is redured), because on Skyrim there is no time limit on the story.
If you compare Skyrim and Mafia, I guess both systems have there advantage and inconvenient.
Mafia immerse more the player because the story telling time basis is more accurate.
Skyrim gives more freedom, but we cant really feel the main story because it not related to any sense of time (like between 2 main quest we can spend months by killing rats or doing other things few important thing for people in order to level up and we never feel the urgency and the drama of the story)

Sure a sleep/wait function could be useful but i’m not a great fan of fast travel anyway. Would be nice to have some options regarding time ratio and realism when we are going to start a new game, the more are the better is.

It will be an open world, means that we can go every where we want at any time. Not a sandbox, because I guess we will be dependent of the story progression like in Mafia 2 and we will not create our own story like Mount and blade or Minecraft.

I hope that, once the storyline is finished, you get more freedom to roam the countryside and do what you want. It wouldn’t be the first game to do so.

Overall, this game reminds me a lot of Gothic (which is good), except that without fantasy, and first person camera. They both are open world but not exactly a sandbox.

Yes sure I guess we can still free roam, but to do this with still interest you need to have some contents, like having a job or still interesting random quests coming and also seasons, if you plan do free roam more than 4 month.
But I don’t think that this is the priority number 1 from the devs. I guess they will focus to give us a nice story.
But may be I guess wrong

i really do hope they don’t add fast travel

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I agree with you, in realistic RPG I wouldn’t use waiting or fast travel because the world would be so immersive, but I would still have it in the game for players who just want to get their quest done.

That -is- a form of fast travel, just well integrated into the world. Fast travel doesn’t necessarily have to be ‘Click on map to get there’.
Wait, did I just ressurect a topic from february? How on earth did I even find it? 

I would like to be able to dream when sleeping - floating effortlessly above moonlit landscape or riding into starry sky. I would like to see the face of my distant sweetheart and the faces of my dead parents whispering to me with kind and reassuring words, but then there would also be ghostly images of tartar riders burning and plundering my village, grim knights riding off into battle
 Dream sequences that lack a clear explanation and seem like a window into past or as omen foreshadowing future events

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not sure if trolling

Dream sequences with a limited control shouldn’t be difficult to create - for floating you would only need to change the lighting and camera angle over an existing map, play ambient tune, do some overlays with some additional images. You really don’t remember floating dreams from your childhood?

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