Too heavy system requirements

i first thought that one would not be as good as the 750 because of the price you told me, but every gtx670 i find is very expensive. Also i couldn’t find it in the list dahauns showed me. 150€ is the maximum for me

Things may be different in your location. Have you looked on Ebay or other used vendors. Here in the uk there are loads going for under £100 and even more powerful 680’s for £130.

I fear you may be disappointed with the 750ti even if it is better than your current card. Do a Google search for “GTX 750 v GTX 670” to get some idea of relative performance.

the gtx 680 uses three times the power the 750ti uses. I’ve searched for how to find out if my 600W (after opening my pc) Power Supply is enough, but i haven’t found anything…

the gtx 680 uses three times the power the 750ti uses

Yes, this is true but you have to see that gtx 680 is still able to provide gaming quality for at least the next 1-2 Years. I assume that the 750ti will be outdatet soon. I realy doubt that you will be able to play any upcoming future game. So why not wait some weeks more and try to safe some money somehow (birthday, nameday, work) and go for a gtx 680. The reason is: 750 vs.680

Believe me, you will hate yourself when you try to play games like “Witcher 3, Assassins Creed Unity etc.” and you get an error :slight_smile: So, be smart and wait some more time.

i found a used 670 for around 150€ and i am already working, but there still is the power question. When that is cleared i think ill buy that one, as far as i dont find a 680 for a good price.
I dont even have the money for those games, i mostly use the steam sales and humble bundle :smiley: . And when i have my bachelor in a year and work a while i want to buy a new pc anyways^^

Add me on Steam -Styx- and I will donate some games when you got the required card and powersup :wink:


600w should be enough for 680. Min req. is 550w.

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There are around 2000 Styx’ :smiley:

If you have GTX GPU series, try to turn off the v-sync which is locking your max FPS which can cause less fps and overall performance… For example I had 20-29 fps on my GTX 760 and when I turned off the v-sync I had around 26-40… The only problem is my 8GB RAM which is not enough at the moment…

Also you can try to play around with other things like antialising etc… Next option is to overclock GPU a bit, which wont help a lot I think.

I always turn off vsync, i use the absolute minimal settings for kcd. I tried overclocking, but i dont really know how high i can get it without damaging it.
I also have 8gb, but another memory card shouldn’t be a big problem i think :wink:

8GB RAM is not enough? ouch

Unfortunately. The game use like 4-6 GB of RAM but windows and other programs use RAM as well so… The game crash right when it hits max RAM usage.