Trader wealth

Does anybody have any idea how long it takes for traders/fences wealth to regenerate?

I’m not sure. However, I could be wrong, I think the more you sell to a trader the more wealth they’ll have later. Sorta like an investment when you sell to them. Some people I trade with have a wealth of around 3k


Would like to know the exact thing, how many ingame days does it take for them to have wealth again ?

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Doesn’t seem too long. I was correct about my previous statement. Some traders now have 20k wealth.

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Thank you everyone, comments have been really helpful.

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I have some traders that started out with <3k wealth and are now over >27k wealth, and others that had ~300 that are near 5k.

basically the more you trade and sell stuff to them, the richer they become, so the more you can sell etc.

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Is all of this true? If so that’s awesome. Also, anyone ever find out how long it takes to regenerate money?

Millers seems to sell the loot overnight. Usually I sell sth and the next day they have done the dirty job. Now as it comes to merchants I guess their money gets a raise(or not, haven’t pay any attention to that) overnight but they seem to keep the items you sold them.

I have only sold to the Rattay armor trader and his wealth was at 1.2k and now its at 45k! He was at 42k here.


No need to sell anything after a while, Just break in at night and rob their chest for the money only (Must have good enough Stealth/Lock Picking)