Traders Shops Restock?

Anyone know how long it takes for the traders to restock their supplies in their shops, as well as how long it takes for them to restock their wealth as well?

If you mean the back part of the stores that has the very hard chests it seems to take you to eventually leave the entire area and then eventually head back and there will be new stuff or the same just laying in the chest that you gotta repick.

No, I mean their stock for buying and selling. I don’t have the means to get into their supply chest.

Oh right, no clue on that part.

Should be Done after only a few days, their wealth even rises as they are re-selling your Stuff, that you Sold them.
You can Push a merchant to be really rich If you Always sell your Stuff to this one.

Yeah a few days for their money to come back. I know one a thread about being more rogue like someone got the miller’s to have 1 million groschen after just selling them stuff for a few weeks. Some people would like that fixed as money becomes very easy to obtain once you get to Rattay. Even in the Skalitz tutorial you can leave with 300-400 coin without too much trouble.