Treasures of the Past

So I found out when you pre-order the game you get this map pack included as well.
What is the new armor for Henry?
Will you receive it at some point of the game,
find it whole in a hidden place,
collect its parts and then bring to a blacksmith to make you armor?
Will you have to pay in-game money for it,
will it be worth anything for traders?
Does map pack include any story quest and new NPCs or only new locations and objects?

That´s the answer:

The description at steam:

 Treasure maps of the lords banished by King Sigismund of Hungary, leading to the hidden treasures of those patriots, bandits and schemers.
The mythical armor of the Warhorse tribe. Shrouded in mystery - it is said that the original wearer purged all the dragons from the Kingdom of Bohemia. The pre-order bonus will be available also to all backers of the game.

I already read this before. Still I have no answer. I get the part you have map and hidden treasure, but it seems to me like you have some Henry’s armor and some armor parts. Two separate contents

I don´t know, but if you look at the picture,…
I think it is a armor SET with four part. They are hidden in four different places…
Not knowing if this armor is “better” then any other armor, or if you get a “set bonus”…
but it looks cool and it´s for free… :slight_smile:


Aha! Now I see. 4 layers. But it is not for free, it is included in price.

I don’t understand anything :smiley:
So if you are a backer then you get a bigger map and there is another armor available for you or what does that mean ?

? No idea … curious myself.

Treasure map to find the armor most likely.


No bigger Map … you will get treasure maps

For all pre-order packages – Steam, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One – an exclusive armor set and new treasure maps will also be included. What’s more is that the Pre-order bonuses will be available for ALL backers of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
(source: KCD Newsletter)


So I preordered on Steam and I also checked DLC I have it enabled.

Yet I saw other streamers who had 4 treasure maps in their inventory pretty much at the start of the game. I don’t have those. Did I miss something or is there a chance to get those?

@CyberianK You can check your chest in the Rattay Mill. There should be a Map inside.

@Urquhart do you mean the chest where all my gear was in when I arrived in Rattay? Thera are no treasure maps inside there. But I definitely have the “treasures of the past” DLC.

I’m quite sure there should be a map. Can you please wirte an Email to our Support?

I had a new gambeson in my trunk. It’s quite cheap but has nice stats. Also there were several trasure maps.

Thanks I will look again to be absolutely sure and then write a detailed email with screenshots and such.


Are all 5 Ancient Maps in the chest?

I do not know the exact number out of my head but there where definitely more than 3.

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Now your DLC should be working?

yes thanks it worked yesterday when I came home thanks.

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Where is the chest in Rattay where I can put my stuff in ?