Umm, where is everyone?

Just curious why there is so little activity here? Been a member of many Alpha stage games and while all games attract a different crowd, this forum seems to only have a couple new posts a day. Maybe everyone is waiting for update or new info -dunno but a bit bleak :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, where do I find information on release dates and timelines etc? Also will the updates always come so infrequently ak Star Citizen or will it start to introduce new combat updates for us to try and give feedback on more frequently (or daily) like the Arma series?

The activity here always picks up after update or when we ferret some new information somewhere.
Right now it is quite long time since last update, so most of the relevant stuff was already discussed. We are now patiently waiting.


Most meaningful topics have been discussed already I guess. There is probably one more alpha left introducing crime/stealth system soon, than beta will come. I would not expect frequent updates as making each alpha build for backers means an extra work for devs and prolonged game development


We are around. Some of us talk on Youtube, Twitter, Steam, and other various social media sites. Activity always explodes after a video update and Alpha updates, for few weeks there’s several new topics thousands of new posts and then it dies off.

I had been trying to think of ways to create some new discussions but most of the core topics have been covered fairly thoroughly.

Around the end of this month or the beginning of November this forum will be a pretty happening place.


I mean, I check the forum pretty much every day. I just don’t say much.


There is a good 20 - 40 people who are very active but there is not always something to talk about.

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What … who is missing? I’m here! :smile:

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All the important people are now covered :smiley:

It has been pretty quiet. We’re all just waiting for that illusive next update right?! :smile:

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…Where am I…? Playing games :smiley: I am constantly playing games.