Unplayable on Standard Laptops

So yeah my Laptop specs is a Standard one
Intel Core i5 - 3337u
Graphics - Intel 4K HD Graphics
too poor to own Fancy gaming computer

Anyways i cant play it on my Laptop, is there a way i could play it?
also everytime I start it, the intro shows and I cant seem to find a way to skip it.
and also in between the intro cutscene there are freezes and then upon finishing i get a black screen waiting
for it to load

and when i tried to fix the graphics to extremely low settings which i didnt know what settings to be recommended on my system. Thus Can i suggest to add a Recommended settings for each type of Computer? the recommended setting that is suitable for your system to run at.

now of course me trying to change the optimization settings made my game crash, computer freeze

Also didnt know where to put this so uh do reply asap please

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Never going to happen with that GPU.

Yes, confirming.
Unfortunately your GPU is weak.
Maybe after the game is optimized you might be able to run the game, but it would still be slow, laggy and around 10 fps.