This is the error that I am getting out of nowhere. I already have 20+ hours in this game. Never had problems. Today I want to start the game and I get this
Did anyone figure out a fix for this? Im running a 960M which supports up to DirectX12 and am having the same issue
I have a 970m, I just did a full clean install of windows. Now it works again. But this is ofcourse no normal fix. Sorry I don’t have any answers
Did the game run before ?
Every time I restart my computer and open the game, it runs for about 2 minutes, crashes, and then gives me the error. Seems the issue is with the 900M series cards
Exact same Problem here two. I have a Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 MB
Like I said, complete reinstall of windows fixed it
That graphics card doesnt seem to be a good enough card for the game. You can always check on gamedebate if it is possible. Otherwise, tell me your system specs and I can check for you if you want
(CPU, Graphics Card, RAM)
I am playing the game with a 460GTX that is under the minimum requirement. all I have is between 20 and 30 fps and sometime I drop to 15, also all setting on Low of course, and 720p. I just increased the distance of rendering for LOD and object to max otherwise is fuxing annoying seeing half building /people while you get closer
Okay thanks, I checked and its not possible I need to juse a diffrent PC