Unused or unpurchasable items?

Im just wondering if anyone has compiled a list somewhere of all the items that cannot be purchased at shops, or potentially items not found anywhere in game.

I think they are selling everything they can, even pre-order bonus is purchasable.

I think the OP is referring to in game things like gall, and stuff that the con man sells, frankincense.

I got the impression they meant items that are in the game’s files, but not obtainable from shops or NPCs/chests/quest rewards as loot.

For example, Radzig’s sword is both a quest item, that you get at the start of the game, but is also a non quest item sword. It was originally in the dream sequence, but people were using Henry’s telepathic powers to store it in the dream chest, and collecting it in the waking world. You can also cheat it in with a mod.

If you’re on PC, you can add ALL items to Henry’s inventory. There are a bunch of test items for non stealth and dual slot, as well as invisible items. I don’t think anyone has bothered compiling a list for such useless items though.

I wonder how they put the sword into the chest, I could not find my ways in a dream.

You head towards the objective, but before you reach the pillory, you head right, to the north. From there it’s a simple matter to make your way to your house. Then you put the sword in the chest.

You can also knockout the Cumans, and put their stuff in there too. They have changed the dream sword multiple times now. It is a Robber’s Sword currently. Not worth the effort to go back to Skalitz for.

with the PC mod cheat you can have it console commanded, ID:Fathers sword. Then you can use the mod that boosts it to St George level.

Yes exactly, either stuff that cant be obtained without commands, or possibly even just stuff that can be found randomly on enemies but not purchased at shops. Either list would be great.

One example is eggs and boiled eggs (they exist in game files but arent in shops unless you modify the xml and add them.