User "" has no active profile

it might be a firewall or antivirus issues, my anti virus(advanced system care) came up with a message, I approved the request and the game crashed again with the same message. but the next attempt it worked fine. good luck guys hope this helps.

ive got this error too is there ANY way to keep my save file? i really dont want to play through the game again i would ALMOST rather just have a refund at this point

i didnt pay 60 bucks to get a good ways through the game it crash and not be able to continue my play through

Hello, i found this guide on nexus fourm that seemed to help me out fix the same issue with out affecting my saved games, turns out it may be a corrupted profile issue if you shut the pc with the game off it some how messes with the kingdom come “profile” folder some how and not your steam folders. I hope this helps other players

“Go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\kingdomcome and take a backup of the “profiles” folder. After, you simply remove it and try launching the game again. Your saves should remain unaffected, but take backups of the “saves” folder just to be sure.”


ok i fucking love you all i did though was remove the profiles folder my play through was stillthere and im back where i was
ty good sir!

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Your welcome, ill have to go back and credit the user once i find his post again, but apperently it corrupts the profile folder if you shut the game off prematurely from the windows button if the game is still running

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THANK YOU Jdm155! Thanks to you I can play again KCD!
I agree with your theory, it was after a crash that my game went mad. Thanks again!


Good find!

I was never able to resolve this on my own before and I ended up causing some harm to my Windows profiles over the course of several hours of troubleshooting and testing.

Bravo to you! Hopefully you just saved many other people the woes I suffered. :wink:

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If you’re having a million little green dots or blocks, try lowering your resolution down to 1920x1080p or 720p go in to window mode press your alt+enter keys and the green dots and blocks should go away.

Issue is that your trying to run the game at a higher resolution then the game is limited to. So i would recomend that if your geting the green blocks, dots and odd textures on the buttons indicators

Hello, I have been having the same error but I can not seem to find the “profiles” folder in my docs. I have uninstalled the games and reinstalled but that still did not work. this is what I see:

I also fix my game by deleting a folder, one in the same root folder where the steam folder is and continue with “\kingdomcome\profiles”

My man i love u right now!! i accidentally knocked my power board and it must of hit the red surge button or whatever it is and shut my pc off so i knew that was what caused the issue . On the other hand my last save file was corrupted and i cant load but thankfully i manually saved not to long ago and can still load that so i am lucky

Also for anyone having trouble finding the folder all i did was search for kingdomcome and the folder should come up

Same here pls help

OK…please rename this Folder:
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Saved Games\kingdomcome\profiles

to profilesXXX or whatever

Thank you so much if i could i would kiss you right now.