Version 0.5, still performance issues?

Hi there guys. Im playing on an ASUS ROG laptop. My specs are as follows:

Processor: Intel Core i7-4710HQ CPU @2.50GHz
GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 970M 3GB VRAM

I realize im playing on a laptop, but I can play games like The Witcher 3 and AC: Unity on mostly ultra settings with AA and still have around 40fps stable (even higher). But in the tech alpha, it seems like Im hovering around 25-32 fps, but with huge hiccups here and there. Also, it does not seem like the performance changes when Im playing lower settings compared to higher.

Are anyone else experiencing this? I was just expecting to be able to play on a stable fps with good graphics as I can do so in many other of the latest games.

It is a tech alpha. Its nowhere near optimized as a finished product is.

In other words: expect performance issues and tons of them while we’re still in alpha (and possibly beta). :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, I expected as much! And Im actually glad to hear it, hopefully it means things can only go one way :smile:

Im having bad performance problems

On low settings i only have 11 FPS in the Main menu - Ingame… its about 5fps…

i7 2600k

Hello @n1salat,

that´s to low for your (hardware)system! Have you installed new drivers from Nvidia?

You have Win10, maybe there is a problem…
With your system you should have 25 and maybe much more frames.

@DrFusselpulli, @Hound is there a known problem with Win10?

I am also on Windows 10, but I do not see how Windows 10 can be a problem.

Okay, thanks. I thought about a Win10-driver problem… but it was only speculation. :grinning:

Well, just to having said it, Im also having performance issues, but not THAT severe. Its probably optimisation issues :confused:

Yes, indeed! For this alphabuild I would expect framerates like yours. I hope WH can optimize this, till release… :smiley:

I just wanna play this with a good fps :’(

I’m running on Win10 myself with no performance issues :pensive: Will have to double-check this and get back to you later.

Maybe try lower rendering distances? might work better for you then.

I have the latest Nvidia Drivers - i turned off all overlay stuff (steam & Shadowplay)
all other games are running smooth!

It seems like they messed something up withe the gpu drivers

i got no cpu, ram or gpu usage at all…

the first Alpha ran smooth as well - 30-45 fps

Any luck with the performance so far? I know there are some performance issues connected to the sliders (Lod/Object/Vegetation) found in the Advanced Graphics tab. If lowering these does not help you, send us your dxdiag and we’ll take a look :wink:.

Hey Hound,

thanks for the Reply! i tried testing the LOD settings and it didnt change anything.

Still 9 FPS ingame.

all other CryEngine Games work fine! And the early Version of the alpha ran smooth as well, i really had no problems at all… and now… i cant even play it at all :frowning:

Here is my DXDiag:

Same as n1salat. Lowered the values all the way down, but to no effect. Will post dxdiag once I come home :slight_smile:

Yeah i’m still experiencing some low framerates as will be seen in my upcoming gameplay video (tonight)
But I’m still loving the experience, although it would be 10x better if i could hold onto 25-30 frames consistantly.

I get around 25 fps, but what i have noticed vs a build in the summer, there is a extreme amount of popup everywhere, i turn around and i see the world being build up in front of me. Doesn’t matter if a put the detail range for objects and such on higher. Also noticed small freeze once every 10 seconds.

The only problem I can see on your PC n1salat is the amount of RAM. Could you run the game in a window and see in the Tasm Manager’s Performance tab how much memory is being used? OS usually starts to swap on HDD if it’s close to 80% of used memory to never reach 100% and keep apps waiting for more. If your HDD is slow (not an SSD), it could be the reason for slow FPS. Yes, we are currently eating a lot of memory and that’s going to be fixed later for sure. But for now you have to be either patient or just buy another 8 GB of memory. It’s cheap :blush:

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I just checked everything and nope - its not the RAM
I have 11 FPS in the Main Menu on low settings :frowning: