Video: epic hardcore duel

This is one of the best and longest battles I’ve seen in KCD. Awesome game.

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The fight of two massage therapists: literally no damage for each other. Try to repeat on HC. I mean REAL hardcore mode, not that clickbait pseudo-hardcore. Don’t forget to put light armour set on.

Lol. His comment:

This isn’t the hardcore mode in the new DLC, this is just hardcore.


clickbait at its best :smiley:

I never saw something more non-hardcore & non-epic like this -.-


A very boring combat of a complete noob. He doesn’t even seem to realise when he is hit and when he hits. Can’t really see what you’re so thrilled about.


I have fought Vanyek for one hour, so not really longest.

Very poor. Quite slash and hack. No real use of combos very limited understanding of blocking and master strikes, hell even basic things like bane potion wasn’t applied to the blade, this fight went on for 11 more minutes then it should have. Longest fight? No not even close. Best? Erm…No just no…


Not the greatest proficiency I’ve seen but certainly entertaining. Ran into the wayfarer/knight the first time yesterday in hardcore. accepted the fight. it started off with a little back and forth as in the video but after a 3rd successful stab with Stinger I was able to chain more stabs and the duel was over. Don’t know if I was lucky but seems like WH didn’t upgrade his skill in hardcore mode

I’ve seen more hardcore action on SFW websites

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I’ll be honest, I’ve both done and seen far better combat in KCD.

As a small sidenote, just because a fight is long, does not mean it is good. You don’t want a fight to take long. You want it over as fast as possible with you still standing, because a long battle is a tiring battle.

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True. I could put my Runt duel here claiming epic because I hit him 4 times and he lied, but not very entertaining because it took me half a minute.
As I mentioned I managed to beat Vanyek with fists alone and it was frustrating, boring, yet rewarding when I finally beat him. Since that moment I figured out fists are sometimes stronger than sword because opponents consider you lesser threat.

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