Visual Downgrade Response?

Funny enough KCD sold as many copies on PC as it did on both the major console platforms combined. It’s graphical downgrade for consoles also had an impact on that too, since you didn’t need as beefy a rig to run it on PC either, thus more people could afford it (and the flexibility to choose different graphical settings too, ofcourse.)

cause they’ve had the players’ money way before the game was even close to be finished/completed/tested and assessed by qa :wink:

Look I got a 1440p pc. Well able to run kcd.

And a PS4 which I got kcd for.

The pc looks better than PS4 no doubt.

The beta version would never have ran with the bigger world, on a pc that wasn’t up to scratch or the consoles meaning only people with beast pcs getting to enjoy it.

The game is not ugly . Anyone that says that has a minority opinion on that matter and needs to except that. So they did a good job balancing it for everyone console and pc players that don’t have the latest graphics cards.