I remember this thing being hinted on a couple of occasions in few different threads out there and I have to say I was always pleasantly surprised whenever I found a foreigner (not being Czech or Slovak) with an interest to actually play the game in its “native” voice-localization, Czech language, to further the gameplay experience’s authenticity.
Now, as was already mentioned several times by Dan Vávra himself, the Czech voiceovers are actually in a “considerd, though yet unsure” category, mainly due to the issues of development costs and efficiency (for both the voiceovers themselves and the game as a whole). Their target audience “back home” is rather small, compared to the worldwide audience (and even to some larger local foreign audiences like French, etc.) and outside of Czech and Slovak player communities (both languages have much in common) not much interest in Czech voiceovers is really expected by the developers.
My question is: Is it really so?
As I said, some people on this forum already mentioned that they would like to play the game with the language spoken in-game corresponding to the target location and nationality, even though Czech may not be their native tongue.
So, how many of you people out there actually like this sort of idea and would like to support the creation and inclusion of full Czech language voiceovers in the game, as truly a yet another step towards the period-and-place-accuracy aim of this game?
Along with it goes another question… some of those people I mentioned above, if I remember it correctly, also showed an interest in voiceovers that would not just cover a single language, but the languages of possible foreign characters in the game as well (so, most probably characters speaking German, Latin, possibly Polish and maybe some others… a multilingual solution, remember the Inglourious Basterds? ).
Again, something of a pro-gameplay-authenticity voiceover package.
What do you think about something like that? Thumbs up?
As far as I am concerned, absolutely…
Also, another option to consider might be using Czech voice actors with good spoken English to create the English voiceovers with local accents (that does not at all mean speaking some improper Czenglish hogwash, only including a proper local accent the way it’s practiced in movies with most other foreign accents - like French, German, Irish, Russian and so on…).