Voices in Spanish?

Hello, I’m not very usual for this forum, but I’m hesitant to buy the game, I know it’s a good game and I love what I’ve seen, but I back down the language theme, I know it’s subtitled, but frankly … It takes me out of situation to have to read or go translation, it is not so much to be enjoying the video game. That’s why I would like to know if they will be voices in Spanish? I think a game like that needs to have Castilian audio. I heard something about that they got to throw it justitos of presuputo and I thank for that they have managed to finish it, but something they will have collected, no?

And Spain is the 4 European country that consumes more video games, and the Spanish speaking community is very extensive.

Hi @Tri
I’m sorry to say. Up to now there are no spanish voice overs in planning.


Just that image is what I saw on Steam, and then do not have plans to voices in Spanish?

as I said. no plans, sorry.

El juego es excelente, te lo recomiendo por mas que no entiendas mucho ingles (igual podes leer los subtitulos). La experiencia es unica, no hay un RPG asi todavia, esta en el mismo nivel que Witcher 3 pero diferente logicamente.

I’m fluent in both Spanish and English but I must say, even if the game was in Czech and I had to read subtitles it’d be a grand experience. Give it a go man.

Thanks for the answers. Well, I’ll see offers for this Christmas :slight_smile:

I can not play this game this way. Reading everything is a real pain. At least use a synthesys voice or something, but reading is something that push me out of the game.
Appart from that, this game needs taste in many details. A lot of work and so empty of fun.

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