Warhorse Helmet position some other


Following this picture:

We may see that the warhorse helmet is going on the top of the tabard which looks great. but unfortunateky it is not the case in game.

May it be possible change the layer used for the helmet so if will be on the top of the tabard ?
I guess there are some other helmet like this one.

Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Sorry, but the resolution of your picture is pretty bad. I added one in better quality. Unfortunately I don´t have the TOTP DLC so I cannot help you. But I don´t think there is a possibility to change the layer order of your armor.

Well I guess that should be possible.
There is a mod this way already as example:

But the picture I used first looks better on my side :slight_smile:

Oh, I´m sorry then. On my side your picture has a very bad resolution :smiley:
As I said… I never saw an option to change the order of your clothing. Maybe mods can do it but it´s not possible in the regular game.

Indeed, I know, my question is more for warhorse directly :slight_smile:

Ok, I know the devs and admins read a lot in the forum but are often a bit shy and don´t always answer :smiley:
If this is a serious thing for you, you can write an email to the support. But it could take a while till they answer. They get a lot of bug related emails that they have to look after.
Sorry I couldn´t help you.