Way of forcing triple buffer?

There is a way to force triple buffer?, i’m running a GTX 970, 16gb of ram and an i7 4790k, i get good framerates at very high but it is choppy (frame times going from 33.3 to 16.6 ms), without Vsync fluidity wise is fine, but the tearing is really annoying and distracting.

Some people says that the game already has triple buffer, but i can’t activate it, any ideas?
Thanks beforehand

triple buffering is dependent on Vsyic being ON.

so Vsyic must be forced on in the NVidia control panel, along with triple buffering.

have you tried adaptive Vsyic? as that works quite well at limiting tearing.

I have tried forcing vsync in the nvidia control panel with the game’s vsync of, but it wouldn’t have triple buffer.
Now i’m using adaptive vsync but the game rarely goes over 60 so the majority of the tearing is still there.