hello Tobi
blas mir ein. I believe this is your friendly German greeting ;D or so a German guy I was holding up at gunpoint in arma one time said to me.
I will first of congratulate you on a splendid job well done at E3. the hard work paid off.
Ok down to business. I know the gods have willed it this way… the question- was there reservations about releasing Kingdom Come Deliverance in the same possible time frame as Red Dead Redemption 2? I know you would be going up against some other game at some stage. but of all games I would go against this particular one would be top of my absolute fuck no no list.
Your story of how you came about working for warhorse was pretty damn good. somewhat stalkery
or ambitious it’s a grey area there. but forgivable considering the outcome. I gotta say it seems like a trend with the people at warhorse and their coming across the studio. is the studio like some Alice in wonderland? Dan falling down the hole and gathering a ragtag bunch of misfits along the way or is he the smoking caterpillar? just remember what the door mouse said…
I want to make a suggestion. now you have the noice beard. I think it’s time to rock the suspenders with the shirt look. take that shit to the next level. you can hold out of them when you are having profound ideas. now I know a belt has its advantages in battle. you can wrap it around your fist for that mean business look but with the suspenders you can take the shoulder straps off and let dangle when you are rolling up your sleeves for some fistycuffs. looks quite bad ass and much more gentleman like when kicking ass.
you said you like to be critical of the game when warming up for a presentation. I guess like a worst case scenario. know your games flaws to own them type thing. it is a good tactic. Sun Tzu agrees. was there any huge f ups at E3 worth noting? .
You said were unhappy with your voice acting. yes it may not be up to Daniel Day Lewis level but don’t beat yourself up. the dire unenthusiastic American voice acting well distracts from it.
Ok Monday morning hangover so enough of this procrastination. good luck with the game.