Well so much for that $60 thank you. Note to self never buy another game from this company ever

scroll a bit up you will see me apologizing for being rude i was a little bit angry cuz i like the lockpicking system and every one is complaining about it. i dont normally reply like this but i was upset. and thanks btw i dont need an uber i have my own car

I’m questioning my preorder. The game runs @ 30 FPS on my i7 with a GTX 970 and 16GB of RAM and I was suffering through that until now. Now after I play dice with Nightingale I’m stuck in a black loading screen forever.

Herb picking and potion making are RPG/immersion activities. Being forced to perform these taskings just to make a save game to protect your game progress is not.

The only thing worse than that is the bed save dynamic. Hal gets a good 8hr+ nights rest. Upon waking up, heads to the loo outhouse. Where he catches up on his literacy/reading skills while taking care of his business. Washes up in the rain barrel to take care of his hygiene & grooming needs. Heads back to his bedroom to get dressed. Adds medieval deodorant to personal inventory thanks to herbs perk. Heads out to kitchen where he fuels up for his day on pottage. then heads out on a typical fetch quest for a villager. Spots a buck and decides to try his luck. Chases said buck into woods & tracks it to where it has bled out. In process harvesting/skinning said buck when ambushed by bandit poacher. Kills poacher and now suddenly finds himself in possession of some really excellent gear & weapons. Damnit. The kind he sure as hell doesn’t want to lose…

barely 2 hrs later, hal suddenly finds the need to return home and go to sleep. So he can guarantee his high end, pixelated loot won’t apparate into nothingness…should he suffer the misfortune of dying before reaching the sanctuary of his bed. assuming his universe doesn’t lag, stutter, or CTD to an alien looking desktop first that is…

Drinking potions to save the game is one thing. At least that doesn’t stray too far from realism which the game so loves to champion. But the bed-save dynamic is illogically FUBAR. The sleeping and save functions seriously need to be decoupled. Because it’s killing the immersion and realism in the game.

But if WH’s earlier statement on this issue today is any indicator, not much will change on the saving dynamic once the patch comes out. This could be 1-3 days from now for PC. Or by next week for console.

Can there PLEASE be a totally separate forum for gameplay/bugs/etc for console players??? Really sick of hearing them moaning all over the place when the MAJORITY of PC players have had a very good experience with everything but console players are a plague in this forum. So many posts just repeating themselves and it makes the whole game look bad when it’s just console having all these super massive problems.

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Not good. Did you preorder on steam or by retail CD?

If Steam, your chances at getting a refund are marginally better than CD route. Assuming you didn’t get too far into doing the MQ that is…

Agreed. The forums have fast become an extremely unwieldly hot mess.

There are clearly significant game breaking bugs/issues on the console end (especially PS4 that if rife with protag routing issues, long loading screens etc etc) that PC gamers aren’t having. It would also be a LOT easier if they organized this into 3 sub forums: PC and the 2 consoles. PS4 has proven that it is its own special brand of tide pod eating snowflake :rofl:

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@Holt_Bathgate my faith has been restored now that I found someone on the same page with me lol.
I’ve said in other posts about my experience:

I called off work a few weeks ahead of time so I could do this: I played 17 hours straight on day 1 of the game, and I only ran into 2 bugs that halted my gameplay, I only lost an hour or so all together of gameplay. The game runs a solid 55-65 FPS no matter where I am, or what’s going on. I have the exact hardware specs that they had in their recommended hardware, no more no less. Except I have a GTX970 and not a 1060 (Like they recommended). My game experience has been next to perfect minus the stairs in most places, I have to jump to go up stairs lol.

i probably have said this a 100 time on this forum but am on ps4 i only had 3 bugs so far that didn’t bother me much and i completely forgive the texture pop ups and am having alote of fun EVEN on the normal ps4 so far about 30-40h gameplay.

30fps isn’t that bad.

30 FPS “Isn’t that bad”?? THIRTY FPS???!??? :rofl::rofl::smile::rofl::rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

SMH. Clearly NOT a PC gamer.

The complete disconnect in gaming/bug encountering experience is summarized by this one statement. This comment is EXACTLY why we need separate PC and console forums. Just like other official dev site forums. Now would be a really good time to organize this forum WH. ASAP. /sarcasm>

Until this forum is reorganized, WH can’t even begin to effectively troubleshoot in the extensive QA/QC feedback they’re getting from the fan base gamma testing this game. And troubleshooting the critical game breaking bugs by platform feedback will continue to be a hot mess.

Look, it could have been a carbon copy of another game on the market. I like the uniqueness and difficulty. Report the bugs, so they can patch and fix them. From what I understand this company is rather new, no?

I am enjoying the reprieve from the Assassins Creed/Farcry formula which a lot of these games have lately.

Was there supposed to be an insult somewhere there? So because I don’t think a video game is basically unplayable unless it’s over 60fps and don’t knock a new company that’s putting out its first game for having some technical issues at launch is a detriment to my character? WH has made something that’s pretty special here. Should be grateful instead of constantly bashing them and the game they’ve put so much time into creating for you.

And yes, I do have a gaming rig…it’s almost four years old, but it still runs demanding games at a high FR. I just don’t stress out and take gaming as serious as you seem to do where it becomes priority number one. You take this stuff a little too serious, my friend.

Was there supposed to be an insult somewhere there? So because I don’t think a video game is basically unplayable unless it’s over 60fps and don’t knock a new company that’s putting out its first game for having some technical issues at launch is a detriment to my character? WH has made something that’s pretty special here. Should be grateful instead of constantly bashing them and the game they’ve put so much time into creating for you.

Wrong. Try not to be so thin skinned. It’s making you come across as paranoid. We clearly have differing gaming standards where the quality of a $60 USD AAA game title is concerned. It would be a different ball game if this game was a FREE Nexus release. Like a FREE, professional level DLC the scope and scale of a Project Brazil, Skywind/SkyOblivion or Beyond Skyrim Bruma. I’ve played and play tested all of these and NEVER ran into some of the game breaking issues I’ve experienced or seen players posting on the web to date.

You’re willing to put up with an absurd degree of lag. I however, do not. And because I’m I DID pay $60 for said AAA title, I expect a certain level of technical competency where any AAA software dev is concerned. The cost of this new release automatically puts WH on par with Bethesda and Rockstar. Period. The proactive response by this recent Steam Update for PC players around 11:00AM EST today:

Has fallen short of my expectations for the tech support a AAA dev would be able to provide its fanbase. I’m still giving WH a wide benefit of doubt. However I grow increasingly concerned where the awkward/unreliable pc controller/keyboard controls, buggy game mechanics, and failed economy of scale where AI difficulty is concerned.

And yes, I do have a gaming rig…it’s almost four years old, but it still runs demanding games at a high FR. I just don’t stress out and take gaming as serious as you seem to do where it becomes priority number one.

Wrong again. I’m also an enthusiastic PC gamer. Personally, I prefer to maintain a high end system so I can enjoy AAA titles like this one with minimum game play issues. My comment was an attempt to express incredulity about the performance standard you had for a AAA game. Not to belittle your gaming system. I’m chronologically and emotionally well beyond the age where conducting an e-Peen brag fest with complete strangers on the web is concerned. So I’m going to end further discussion on this.

You take this stuff a little too serious, my friend.

We’re strangers having a casual intercourse on the anonymity of the internet. I don’t know you in real life–let alone from those social media sewers re-known as tw@tter & fakebook. That being said, I don’t have any history or preconceived notions of you other than from this board. So I simply don’t know you well enough to call you a “friend”. No offense.

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The friend remark was sarcasm. And not sure where you are in the world, but for the most part, you often don’t end up gettting what you paid for in life. You ever go see a movie that promises certain things or has won awards for being a certain type of movie and came out disappointed? Ever go out to dinner and get something that wasn’t as good as what you thought it was? You say you are a gamer. Ever get hyped for a new game and it ends up being nothing like what was advertised and thought wow, it didn’t look like this in the previews and trailers? Do you go nag the waitress at the restaurant, ask to see the manager and demand a refund while embarrassing your date? Do you go to the ticket counter and ask for your money back at the movies because the previews made the movie look better than it actually was? Do you send hate mail in hopes of getting a refund for a game they purposely misrepresented? No. This is unfortunately a part of life.

There are lots of games over the past decade that ended up being released as junk and people we’re purposely led to believe it was something that it wasn’t. This clearly wasn’t the case with WH. They bit off more than they could chew and seems they were confident it would run well when they were creating it. They had to make changes to improve performance. And if they had purposely screwed you, like many other companies do. It’s life. Things often don’t go the way you want and it serves no purpose to complain or feel hurt by it when things like this happen. It’s going to happen a lot in life…should start getting used to it or else you’re going to be upset and filled with disappointment at every turn. You say you wasted $60 on a hobby and wish what you purchased turned out better? In many parts in the west, console players have to pay $90 to walk out with a newly released game. Think how they feel every time they go home with something that they thought was better than what they actually ended up with.

Yes, it is hard not getting what you paid for, or not getting what you want in life, but this is the real world. I’m gonna guess you’re in college? No offence, but where I live, college students have very similar views on things like this and have a difficult time dealing with life when life doesn’t go their way. There are no safe spaces in the real world. You gotta learn to deal with things when they don’t go your way. It’s just life. There will be a lot of this type of disappointment to come. Anyway, Good luck man.


Then you should have helped funding the game for better bug-patching budget, pinch-purse :smirk:
They have been working on fixing all this, it’s not like they didn’t post any updates at all, Mr. “been following since kickstarter days” :pensive:

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Ok. Three clarification points of order:

1.I’m Californian and live in the San Francisco Bay area.

2.I’m a quintessential Gen Xer. So I know what an 8088 is. I grew up playing D&D board games, and later its physical representation in Ultima, the Odin Father of all RPG genre (perhaps with the exception of FF).

3.I’m unable to get a refund from Steam, and so now stuck with what I suspect is a striking, overly ambitious, and potential lemon.

My point still stands. You admitted WH may have bitten of more than they can chew. So I agree not to disagree, and you won’t be getting any argument from me there. Or from this German fan boy:

My disillusionment as further mirrored by this Czech gamer:

appears universal for this over hyped “AAA” release. Yes, I’m an enthusiastic gamer. No I don’t care to waste time doing petty things such as sending hate emails/trolling WH on tw@tter. I work for a living in Silicon Valley and unfortunately damned to spending the better part of my working day in CA rush commute. So I lack the extent of free time a typical kid (who has yet to graduate high school) would have to play a long anticipated title. My free time is constrained by other quality of life obligations like family etc.

So when I finally get some personal time, then quite naturally yes, I’m going to be very disappointed. I’m beginning to experience some of the game play issues folks have been increasingly reporting in these forums. I’m disillusioned the latest hotfix failed to correct the buggy issues I’m having on the Hans Capon missions. Using my keyboard is an ongoing migraine, because my PC controller buttons are still unreliable in combat. They still fail to function the way the game menu (and patch update) said they would. Which shouldn’t be possible given the hardware on my high end gaming system. Today’s hotfix explicitly stated the “Ginger in a Pickle” quest was fixed. Yet players have contradicted this, reporting the same broken gameplay after installing the patch update. WH is now officially 0/3 on their “AAA” title with this latest hotfix patch.
It’s becoming painfully clear the devs may have caved to production schedule pressures and pulled a UBISoft. Prematurely releasing a bug riddled game, with intent of fixing it after release. Releasing an unfinished title with major QA/QC beta testing omissions.

And yet, the game is well designed aesthetically, with so much potential for future growth. So I’m holding out and really hoping I’m 100% wrong in this case. That I’m not dealing with a Fallout 4 style Season Pass rip off scenario. Or another Assassin’s Creed III/Unity pile of toxic poo a year later. Or witnessing the #EpicFail of an overhyped SC5 PR nightmare launch. These franchise title’s marketing dept promised the world and failed to deliver….

So I must keep faith. God forbid WH ever devolves to Marianas Trench levels that is the domain of the Exceptional Assholes.

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At first I thought lockpicking was impossible too but I kept practicing with miller now I don’t have any trouble at all. I’m on the X btw.

Thats what you get for playing a game on console lol

german fanboy? whats wrong? this game is ok and its just a question about a thing…

every “fix” they have released has just made the game uglier with barely any improvement in stability, so you want me to respect a bunch of completely wasted labor hours that fixed zero of the game breaking bugs people are having…

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