What a fu..ing bad game

Too boring and so buggy…One of the most unenjoyable games ever…The missions are so lame,you do the same things over and over and over again.Youre simply a delivery boy in an medieval looking setup…This game is just a huge disappointment…


I am enjoying it for 140 hours and almost no bugs… One of the best games ever. The missins are great (father Godwin for example). Same things over and over again? Nooo:dealing with “ghosts” and “witches”, etc. Even if you are supposed to bring something usually it is not so easy as it looks… This game fulfill my expectations and deliver even more.

So when did you decide to hate the game?


Perhaps he played for 2 hours, forgot to save and the game crashed :slight_smile:

Started with patch 1.2.5, enjoying every minute, especially after 1.3 when the lags were gone.


if you enjoy the game,good for you…For me its just boring and dull to do delivery missions…and these are 80%of all missions in the game…So you are basically doing the same things over and over and over…How can someone enjoy that?

Can you name a specific mission that is boring to you and how far are you into the game?


I have played it for about 50 hours and have had only a couple of delivery missions over that time. Mostly it is about investigations & disclosing conspiracies. Have you decided this after playing the first mission of the prologue? :slight_smile:

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Let’s not forget about the combat either I mean I love the combat system I mean it’s really well thought-out a lot of people and a lot of RPGs would be well off if they copied the way they did it because they just they added depth to the fighting versus the stupid ass retard swings that you get at Elder Scrolls I mean that s*** just look stupid I hate it this is just awful

I have hit a bad bug afyerrwstarting the game after 1.3 and it’s game-breaking at least as far as not playable the stutters are god-awful the horse will not run fast if you try to he’ll run out of stamina while trotting and oh yeah he jumps really really high and I mean so high you can jump over a town but the good news is when you land you don’t die but if you jump off the mountain you die see you like that’s weird but it’s true you can jump over the mountain though but aside from that stuttering is so bad it will literally give you a headache if you play for more than 10 minutes I can’t turn I can’t run I mean I really hope they fix this soon I really want to just play this game that’s all I want to

Not that I can take your thread seriously…

As a person who would turn up at an artists studio and give passive aggresive feedback (I cannot imagine in a world populated with healthy minded well reasoning adults that this would go unchallenged)… but sure you want free speech and not that it sounds like youbare open minded…

So I will agree - repetitive games can be, erm, repetitive.
I dont see it with this game, but I notice a theme with video games that if the task is in any way fun, repeating it is very acceptable.
Pac Man/ Space Invaders.
Game mechanic was very samey
Heck Street Fighter with its’ six buttons and crazy nuances is arguably ‘just a brawler’.

I do gather many entitled/complainimg gamers who en masse ruin forum threads might not get the subtletues of rpg games that encourage multiple playthroughs…

Too many 'new generation’ers on trophy completion quests who dont really care for the journey (just the destination -trophy) and dont try ‘rolling new characters’- and complain after XXX hours the challenge is ‘no more’… (and get angry at the thought of having to restart!?!)

Well games given too much agency/control with too many intricate systems (and backend stuff to question) end up alienating most of the market.

Each iteration of elder scrolls series over last twenty years has weakened core gameplay mechanics in favour of market appeal from simpler game systems.
Each dumbed down game gathered larger market share and increased game bases has made the industry stats skew towards appearing to favour simpler easier to play games.

I prefer immersion (without too much micromanagement)… games like KCD get it right. Perfect nearly for a small group of gamers.

And those gamers are requesting simple things like putting outfit rotations (instead of individual otems on/off) into gameplay.
Heck I have given up on half decent rpgs due to shoddy controls that can not be bettered.
Sometimes even just being able to rotate weapon sets easily is a make/break thing.

The problem with niche games is not being able to be ‘all things to all people’.

Personally I bought this game due to it allowing me a great virtual world to offline in.
I dont notice a repetitive gameplay experience- and my family all sot in the loungeroom together taking turns doing sometimes the same parts of the game (on alt playlines).
We enjoy ‘spotting the differences’ in our varying playlines due to dialogue choices/actions and things like character attributes.

We literally see the exact opposite of repetition even in the doing the same things…

But I get this thread was started to create a flamewar
(Come to a website filled with potential fans and throw an opinion contrary and matter of factly and then sit back and watch the chaos…)

Presently this site is being heavily misrepresentative due to being filled with trophy hunting complainers…who all jump into any thread to reaffirm to the world every complaint about the game they have ever read or seen anywhere else mentioned on the internet; and think of themselves as warriors for gamekind improving gaming by their vocal churn of negativity aimed at developers.

Ideally this site, representing rpg gamers in general, should prove a ‘cut above’ in terms of maturity.
Time will tell


Yo, that’s literally every RPG ever…it’s about dialogue and story. Every RPG in existence is made up of “Go here, Kill this, Bring me this” or “Go here, Talk to So and So” (so and so tells you about/accompanies you to a location not to far from where you are) you grab the thing and take it to the guy…fight stuff in between…every RPG ever…

This game is pretty buggy yea, but it’s also their first project and patches come out about every week for pc and like every week and a half or so for console, and those include some fixes as well as additions.

I play on Xbox One and am having a blast, pushing 300 hours




I felt more like a special investigations agent or something.

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Not a Troll dudes,relax…Just my opinion about the game thats all…I know its not nice but thats just me having another opinion about the game than you…kepp calling me a troll or something if you cant accapt that…Im out

Why you asking!?
If you cant enjoy the game, how can someone other explain you how he enjoyed the game.
Real nature observations have everytime the same boring activities…
All people likes the boring, everytime same systems. Nobody is crying about the repeated gameplay mechanics in games like Sykrim, ELEX, Risen, every MMO game.
So welcome and good morning, all games on that earth have the same mechanisms since 1990.

And pls my friends dont call other members immediately a troll.
Everyone with pro arguments can called a troll too…
But titles like this one feeds other

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You do know that many quests can be solved in multiple ways right? You don’t have to do the direct approach, you can get creative. It’s pretty interesting imo, but each their own =)

Yeah this game is not for the casual COD player that needs the devs to hold your hand each step of the way

Your not a troll?

No worries - we have identified you dont like a certain type of game. You dont like it enough to come to the devs webpage and write about how much you dont get it…

Maybe you want people to list things that can be done in the game, or alternate ways to complete things …(lookout:spoilers?!)

If this is repetitive - I want to know a game that isnt.

Oh I get it- your first video game was GTA5 and therefor all games should have near infinite stuff in them to keep you entertained… (!).

PROJECT GOTHAM RACING had an arcade cabinet in the garage for an alternate game to play…

But given the reductionist argument used… lets just take it back to button pressing.
All games feature sequences of buttons to be pushed…
Then find an old playstation from out of a dumpster and get Die Hard Trilogy 3. . It had three different game types in it, one using a light gun as a controller.
In fact all early nintendo ds games made by nintendo had heaps of mini games in them with vastly differing game play mechanics…

I am really not getting the point of the ‘repitition’ argument.

If we enjoy the action, repeating it is generally fun.

I play Ziggurat daily. Repetitive, but likeable and therefore replayable. Rogue Legacy too.
They both has aspects of randomization. …

But then so does KCD

Different games for different gamers. Rule since dawn of gaming. Basic stuff really - like extra controller for extra player. Logic

Opinion is like a butt, everyone has their own;)The game has many mistakes but for me it is not boring.I’m playing on PS4 Pro and I’m trying to pass the game the fourth time after the last patch. I hope for a really great next dlc. This game has got a lot of bugs but in my opinion is one of the best for me in this century.

Ur a little douchebagish


Just another boring topic. Nice answers, but I close this…