What about Crafting?

I think this topic deserves some attention. Earlier i read on facebook that blacksmithing got ditched because of work pressure- is that correct?

To me crafting is a huge factor for medieval games, and i really think it would be, as a consumer, worth waiting a bit more for it to be implemented - Or perhaps it could be implemented in a future patch or expansion? I see Skyrims crafting system as quite basic- how hard can it be to implement something similar or a bit better?
(Im asking sincerely, since i am not a game developer i dont know how much work this would take, but from an outside perspective it doesnt seem that complicated. All the weapons and armor are already there, so its just materials and components that needs to be added?)

Can anyone shed some light on what role crafting will have in the game?

Did you see how they made alchemy minigame for example? They don’t aim for simplicity, especially not copying Skyrim.


We will get blacksmtithing and maybe more crafting mini game as complex as the alchemy mini-game. And tons of animations are needed to make it believable realistic and fun :slight_smile:

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Except for the fact that Blacksmithing was scraped.

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Alchemy looks awesome!

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Blacksmithing was scraped?!, … why?!

Time, effort & cost essentially, as are usually the main driving factors. They weren’t happy with where the mechanic was at after so much time spent on developing it, and they basically got to a crossroads where it was either sacrifice it for the sake of other game elements, or press on. They chose to omit it, much to many peoples chagrin.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t blacksmiths in KCD. Just that we playing as Henry will be unable to craft our own unique weapons / armour etc.

And will be delivered as a backer-free DLC afterwards

Well its just a wee a bit of work

Should be some good stuff

That would be nice, we will have to wait and see. Cannot forget the original 2015 release date. Whats planned and what happens is not always as desired.

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Those were the days :smile:

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Its kind of funny that blacksmithing is scrapped when Henry is a blacksmith son!!
I really hope that the game have blacksmith skill when they release it or else I think that lots of players will scrap Kingdom Come …
Maybe Warhorse and Deepsilver should wait with the release until next year and think this over…

Get ready to scrap it then, because there will not be smithing on release. I really should start making a list about the reasons people threaten to not buy the game…

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So is it not possible to even sharpen the sword like the minigame that was already in the beta?

sharpening minigame is confirmed, it will be in game.

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I don’t see the contradiction. He was an apprentice, i.e. far from being an accomplished blacksmith. That is why he can sharpen blades and hammer worn-out armors but he cannot forge a sword, cuz that takes a true master with lots of experience which Henry doesn’t have :wink:


Don’t worry about cry babies. They will probably buy game anyway at discounted price.

You don’t need these reasons. Blacksmithing was bugged and that’s why they cancelled.

Through future DLC’s and Mods, Blacksmithing and many more great additions will become available.

Be patient grasshoppers!


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