What am i doing wrong

I am really starting to hate the combat system. Even though it looks so cool. I have recorded a video, please tell me what I am doing wrong. I died 8 times already and never did any damage, ever. As you can see I did hit him, all of them, multiple times. And there was no damage dealt at all. Please help me

My own recorded video with the problem.

Seems to be a bug. I think some say if you:

  • Save
  • Exit
  • Unequup everything
  • Re-equip everything

That that fixes the issue. Must be a PC bug perhaps

Just did that, And nothing changed. My bow does damage though.

Have you tried other weapons? Other swords, or tried different kinds of weapons like maces, longsword, sabres

Tried it with a Battle Axe and with a beak. Both deal no damage whatsoever. Even when I sneak up on them and hit them in the back. I just fled so I can go on with my life but this is really bad for the gameplay experience. If I cannot fight at all, I feel like a useless knight.

Well, it seems you’re going to play as an archer, aren’t you. Just kidding mate, hope they fix it asap for you.

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How is your condition of your melee waepons ? You can check that in your inventory / Info screen. You had to repair your weapons and even armor from time to time by a blacksmith. When your Gear is worn out , you make less damage .
Maybe thats the solutions, hope that is not a bug

His video shows fine condition

Ah ok, i did not watch it his vid. His Armor and weapons are really good so maybe really a bug

I think your problem is that you are using very heavy armor you are not yet ready for, your are exhausted very fast and when you are exhausted it doesn’t matter rather you hit them or not.

I’m almost certain that the reason is your stamina. You keep depleting it and hitting with an empty stamina bar. Try saving your stamina and hit them. If you find yourself with an empty bar all the time, you might have a bit too much of armor on you for your strength. Report if it’s that or we have a new bug.

You’re being way too aggressive and depleting your stamina too quickly. Nearly every hit I saw you make contact with in the video was at very low or no stamina. I’d suggest slowing things down a bit and looking to make more parry/counter connections while stamina is higher. Possibly your armor is too heavy for your current strength and warfare skill?

This may be one problem (Raven’s beak you mentioned need Strenght 13, so it is even worse)
Attacking with those weapons will cost you more stamina.

You also may want to save a bit of the stamina as it helps to lower the damage (reason to why one attack to mail armour seems to do nothing).

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Ive read all your replies and I am just training with wooden sticks right now. It is a long and frustrating progress because it feels like no matter what key I press, it does not respond. I shall also look at the possibility of being too weak for the weapons/armor I have. Thank you already for the replies.

I agree with above that you’re swinging with little stamina so your hits have no power behind it. I’d use your bow to try to thin out the group, then engage. Also, try moving in more arcs around them instead head on engagement. You can do more damage if you deflect their blow or side step rather than block it out right.

Indeed, no point in attacking when your stamina is depleted.

Your strength is too low for the weapon.
You’re constantly out of stamina, so your “hits” are just little love pats.
You’re swinging a sword against medium/heavy armor.
I think that pretty much sums it up.

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Thanks all, Ive been with some crappy swords and now my stamina depletes a lot less quick. I still have to get used to the realism in this game.

Thanks for all the feedback, it helped a lot.

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