What can I spend my money on?

That would only delay the inevitable. But yeah, I could see how that might help.

Just a hunch but i would sure assume that there will be some DLCā€™s and add on content for this game. At that point in time maybe the money will have more use. Your own home or castle would be perfect. That was one of my favorite things about skyrim.

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Hahaha ur posts here are the most pathetic thing i have ever seen, baseless and rediculess arguments and accusations. I have alot of money and nothing to spend it on as well, wow i must be bragging about a video game.

By this logic If i make a post about combat being too easy and i can typically kill anyone with two master strikes then i an not raising a good point i am actually bragging about my skill in a game lol
This made my day

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I have also lots of money and was asking myself thic very question yesterday.

Another tips: buy bed in all taverns (I am pretty sure, youĀ“ve done that)
Haggle with merchants and give them as much groschens as you can so you will improve your reputation with them.

Now there is only head armour to your horse and you have to find it (so for free and extra gold as a bonus :smiley: )

I forgot to buy the recipes - good point.

My Henry changed after his first big battleā€¦ He started to wear fencier clothes, drinking, gambling, hunting just for fun not the food, but mainly Cumans and bandit. Last night in Rattay he won in dice. Bought loads of alcohol and had a party. Then wandering through the streets. Mount his horse and wanted to go to the baths. By the gate the guard stop me. He was trying to explain them that he has a secret mission. Altough it was really funny it didnĀ“t help him. So he paid the fine (whateverā€¦) and finally went to tha bathsā€¦

Next day he went to Sasau, but that is a story for another dayā€¦ :slight_smile:

EDIT: I like the thought that Henry after this battle just wants to enjoy life as much as sir Capon. Now he has the money. He doesnĀ“t buy things. That is so boring. He steals them (I have nice collection of silver and gold chalices, crosse, etc.). In case the guards stop him, he has the money/charisma to deal with them (ā€œI am friend of sir Capon you i*iots! We were hunting and drinking together!ā€).

I think I dont have the best equipment. But fullplate armour is not my cup of tea and I love the thrill of stealing :smiley:

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It would be good if we could donate to the poor people of skalitz or buy a small ranch. Loving the game btw

I 've faced the same problem playing The Witcher 3. So I used to stock most of my money on my stash for when the time come for my Geralt of Rivia to retire.

Save it why do you have to spend all of it. Iā€™m sitting on about 35k.

dude, you are being kind of a doucheā€¦this is an open forum and he asked a question. You donā€™t like the questionā€¦get off the thread and go somewhere else, otherwise offer some real constructive advice

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I might stop sell the cups and crosses and then put it on display in my bed room of favourite inn (maybe Sasau?) Hope that noone will steal it :smiley: Well the wonĀ“t be in shelfs but I think that will look better than in the inventory :slight_smile:

Yeah, I wish I can give them money as well. Also to give the beggars on roads more than 5G

How do you put things on display?

Well it is just my guess that if I let them in my room it will stay there. I need to try it (with an apple not a cup :smiley: ).

So I think if I jump on a table and leave it there from my inventory, it could stay thereā€¦

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Ahhh, thatā€™s how youā€™re doing it. Creative. I never thought to do that.

Not yet. HavenĀ“t tried it (I forgot yesterday and got an interesting quest-so I didnĀ“t complete what I want to. Classic - just like real life :smiley: ).

I am affraid that it wonĀ“t stay there. But why it would disappear?

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It might work similar to corpse clean up. Iā€™ll give this a try, with something not important of course haha.

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So itĀ“s not possible :frowning:
My honey disapeared during sleepingā€¦

Stop being such a piece of shit OP isnā€™t bragging and you sound salty af lmao.

The idea that you can afford the best equipment in the game after killing a few bandit camps is a real problem and combined with the ridiculous stat boosts that you can spec into, ruins progression. Devs need to either nerf the buyback price or increase the cost of plate armor.

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Well i am in the same situation, i have like 50k. Already got the best gear, the best horse and gear for the horse, bought recipes, and spend in the rooms for taberns (Permanent room cost like 200). Would be nice to be able to buy a house and furnish it (Sorry for my english)

I have loads of money in KCD. My Henry is like a proper G, when I go in the bathhouse I get all services for free. Everyone love me in Rattay, but mess with me u get a black eye.

Yes, what do you do with 300 thousand groshen when you already have the best that money or looting can acquire?
I plan on once this play line is done is to set it aside and save it for any continuing DLC or next chapter that uses an previous play line and be well set to go on.

yeah i want like a big ass castle with bikini babes serving me. that would be cool.