Hell, only these days and this part of the globe! I mean, even now I’m a little, frightened chicken when I have to go to the dentist, and we have lidocain! Going down to the battlefield, have myself shot with a 20 gramm lead ball, get my leg amputated without anesthesia, and then die anyways because of sepsis - no, thank you! I wouldn’t choose future either because of it’s uncertainity.
Also “fighting is fun’”, seriously?! Which part, the ‘killing’, or the ‘getting killed’? I like to hang out with HEMA teams and do some fencing with practice swords and protective gear (even there I have seen some broken ankles, noses and once I almost got one of my eyes stabbed in “controlled” practice), but in all honestly, I admit, I don’t like to imagine that the other guy in front of me actually has a sharp sword and is trying to kill me as fast as he possibly can for the same reason I don’t go to problematic districts of the city and wait for me to get stabbed.
Alright, if I had a chance, I would gladly examine the true state of the eastern european territories and the steppe of the IX.-X. century. Without the danger of getting an arrow into my gut, if that’s possible, thank you.