What is your favorite historical time period?

Hell, only these days and this part of the globe! I mean, even now I’m a little, frightened chicken when I have to go to the dentist, and we have lidocain! Going down to the battlefield, have myself shot with a 20 gramm lead ball, get my leg amputated without anesthesia, and then die anyways because of sepsis - no, thank you! :smiley: I wouldn’t choose future either because of it’s uncertainity.
Also “fighting is fun’”, seriously?! Which part, the ‘killing’, or the ‘getting killed’? I like to hang out with HEMA teams and do some fencing with practice swords and protective gear (even there I have seen some broken ankles, noses and once I almost got one of my eyes stabbed in “controlled” practice), but in all honestly, I admit, I don’t like to imagine that the other guy in front of me actually has a sharp sword and is trying to kill me as fast as he possibly can for the same reason I don’t go to problematic districts of the city and wait for me to get stabbed. :smiley:

Alright, if I had a chance, I would gladly examine the true state of the eastern european territories and the steppe of the IX.-X. century. Without the danger of getting an arrow into my gut, if that’s possible, thank you. :smile:

If anyone in the modern world would be crapping directly into an African well, that would be comparable to be a upper class Roman living off slave work. There is no direct correlation between the amount of crap I take in the morning in Prague and amount of fresh water in Central Africa in the afternoon. Your argument makes no sense.[quote=“Dushin, post:19, topic:17620”]
War was a perpetual state of being for the past so many centuries which didn’t stop on the continent until quite recently. By our modern day standards everything before 1980 was awful
It seems you have trouble reading what i wrote. I have not disputed that war was more common neither attacked anyone for wanting to live in such a period in general. What I said is that I have no understanding for someone wishing to be, basically, a warrior/murderer in that period.

The people killed then were no less people than those who are dying today. Dreaming about being a viking - and inherently raiding England or other place and slitting throats of civilians in villages around the coast (which was much more common than actual engagement against enemy soldiers) is, for me, well the same as having dreams about running around Utoya and shooting children.

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Well, with war a lot of good technology came, it’s not that bad, gunpowder as example and nitrogylcerin, which is used in modern medicine. Without war, we probably would’ve still be living in our villages, feeding cattle. On the other Hand, vikings had to make a living and their land was bad for farming, so killing or getting killed, it is, I guess. I mean, wouldn’t you want people to talk about you in a few hundret years? Having your legacy continue? It was more then thousand years ago, when the vikings plundered and pillaged, but we still praise them through Hollywood movies, because humans love suffering, they love gore, they love action. I would rather die on the front, but knowing that my kids and grandchildren will praise me, then die lonely in a bed, old and just waiting for the time to run out.

It is kind of “Hitler earned his place in history and hence his acts are justified” argument.

No, I’d rather be a nameless cog in the wheels of democratic and republican society, such as the current Czech Republic, then earning name by killing other people for resources. Unless the kiling would be in defense of democracy and republic, that is.

Hitler was a madman, there’s no arguing about it and I would’ve killed him if I had the chance to. ^^
Also, I wouldn’t kill for resources and innocent people too, but for the vikings, the churchmen as example weren’t innocent. Also, killing can never be justified by “defending democracy”. Which means, you would kill for a ideoloy, which is just the same those damn ISIS terrorists do.

Really? SO in your mind, if you live in a free society and you are attacked by a fascist force, you are not justified to defend your freedom? Which country do you live in? I would go out on a limb and guess that it is some country where you have no access to firearms as well as no real right to self-defense.

I live in Germany, fascists have a different opinion, having a free choose in opinion is part of democracy. I wouldn’t go on the streets manslaughtering fascists, they’re humans too. But if my COUNTRY got attacked, then I sure would do something.
Now, a right for self-defense is not needed, the court handles most things over here, firearms, you can get firearms but you Need to go through tests and so on, like it should be.
Also, fascism doesn’t exist anymore, the proper word is neofacism. (Could be wrong here)

When seconds count, cops are minutes away, and courts months apart. And that being said with a full view to the fact that the crime rate in Prague is much lower than in Berlin.

This trust in court system is a nice thing, but it will get you nowhere once a sociopath starts kicking you in your head. Defending yourself and your family is first and foremost your own personal duty, all other may come later, but can never come in time.

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Well, I live in Karlsruhe and not Berlin, I’ve never witnesses a illegal activity over here, besides simple vandalism. Self-defense is a nice thing, as long as you only use your bare Hands and now a weapon like a pistol. it may be threatening to the one attacking you, but you can’t be sure how he’s going to react, anyway. You’re quite jumping around topics :smiley:. Kind of strange, I started talking about harm and you were against it, now you’re talking about harm and I’m against it :smiley:.

my favourite period is the good old days of the british empire

They were the hero’s, the wealthy and famous. There aren’t that many famous court jesters in the middle ages or viking farmers, even their gods relished war. and if you wonder why people would want to become a warrior then ask a military serviceman then ask your average nobody if he wants to be famous and have loads of cash.

Okay I did indeed word it rather poorly.

You probably know this.

Now think about it, if Americans use so much ground then someone else somewhere on the world has to make do with a lot less. Just by living like a standard American or Western European you condemn someone somewhere else to live with a lot less land, it’s not evident or directly in your face but that does not make it less unethical right? The same goes for your praetor or senator, yes they live and where born in a civilization build on the backs of slavery and other peoples misery, but doesn’t that go for every civilization including ours?

Anyways another point I am trying to get across is that your shouldn’t view history with 21st century eyes and ethics. That way everything prior to us looks bad, instead if you try to look at a medieval or roman society then put on your medieval or roman goggles for a moment and judge it that way.

If you two want to argue about this, find a different thread please. By you two i mean Snejdarek and XyW. Please keep on topic of my thread. We are not talking about who shits in water and who doesnt and what makes it right. It’s fine to talk about why you wish or not wish to live in a certain time period and for what reasons, but leave it at that. Thank you.


I’m very interested in the Sassanid Empire (Neo-Persian Empire 224–651 AD). It was a very strong and prosperous realm, with a highly developed culture and educational system. I think this would be a decent place to live.

China also interests me quite a bit. China’s history is a lot more stable, and not as aggressive as most of europe’s. China is also a very beautiful country, with a very old and colorful culture. I think that would be a good choice as well. I’m not really sure what time period to choose though.

I’m also quite interested in the Hanseatic League, so Lübeck in the Late Middle Ages would be fine by me as well.

@Flotch You got the wrong person, I never talked about it, it was the other two guys ^^

I plead insanity!

oh wait that never works.

Okay that is my fault! I do apologize!

that chart looks nice and maybe plausible, but some hard statistics needed to make accurate assessment of their claims.

anyway, saying one’s complicit for a tsunami in japan because of a fart he took in america, is the gist of that ethical dilemma.

also telling people to forgo some comforts to contribute to egalitarianism i think is a failed concept from beginning because, it’s kind of like barking up wrong tree. the people telling us to do this kinds of things are often millionaire celebrities who go drive around in yachts and things like that. those are the people that have real impact, not some middle class guy on the toilet.

The paper is here, http://www.footprintnetwork.org/en/index.php/GFN/page/ecological_footprint_atlas_2010

Well the Roman guy we’re talking about was born in his society and a product of his society, they also considered it something of an ethical dilemma but in the end you shouldn’t blame the roman praetor for that.

I agree but I am just trying to show snejdarek that a roman guy isn’t that bad compared to us. A third of the world population lives on a wage of less than two dollars a day. A world average wage would come down too 18.000 a year. Now realize how that nameless cog in the wheel of a democratic society here is just plain rich compared to all the other folks walking around. The "richness"comes from somewhere at the expense of other people not much unlike your average roman guy.

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If you don’t see the difference between having dozens slaves and living directly off their indignity and having good living conditions mostly due to your and your ancestors’ hard work, then there is no helping you.

Well your run of the mill roman praetor also lived in good conditions due to his ancestors good work such as pillaging conquest and enslavement of entire nations.

In regards to my ancestors hard work, yes they did a great amount of work that contributed to our present day wealth and held on to our colonies into the late 50s. But if you don’t see the similarity between the Roman empire and the colonial empires from 1550-1945 (which incidentally also had slavery during the longest period of is it’s existence) then there is no helping you.