What we want!? (as a community)

Jousting would be cool, although it would require new armor. There is also the issue that such tournaments were ‘very high stakes’. Your horse, weapons, and armor could be lost to your opponent. I assume players may not want that.

Already being implemented for both armor and weapons. They haven’t changed it as far as I know.

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When did I mention a battle? Even if I did, whether you’re cutting someones throat in their room at the inn, or finish a soldier with a swipe to the neck, assuming the depth is the same, the same level or blood/gore will occur. Wearing armor doesn’t change how much blood you have, or how much you lose from a severe neck wound.

I understand how bleeding works in conjunction with armor, even if everyone did wear neck armor (they didn’t) that doesn’t change what happens to unarmored opponents.

I was wondering when blood will be included?
because they said in very eraly videos that you have to wash clothes etc. after fights.


I think it might be in the next update as the combat is being introduced.

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You mean 0.4? i Hope so too
If it is the same as E3 presentations,
i think maybe in 0.5 or other number !
or I haven’t seen the blood in videos yet :blush:

i would say i want to see a possibility to frame someone. Kill someone and make it look like it was someone else and blame the kill on somebody else and they will take down an innocent man or do an investigation :smiley:

Like murder someone in the middle night and bring the dead guy in to someone else house or something while they’re sleeping